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Разведка и добыча нефти и газа в Казахстане 2012
Разведка и добыча нефти и газа в Казахстане 2012
Дата выхода: Март 2012
Язык: английский
Объем: 300 страниц
Формат: PDF защита от печати
Цена: € 3.900
«Разведка и добыча нефти и газа в Казахстане 2012» - исследование сектора разведки и добычи нефтегазовой отрасли страны. Данный продукт является результатом большого опыта компании: отчет выпускается с 2006 года. RPI на протяжении долгого времени отслеживает состояние рынка и развитие нефтедобывающих компаний в регионе.

Особенностью данного продукта является то, что в нем собрана вся необходимая и полезная информация для тех, кому интересен нефтегазовый рынок Казахстана: от контактной информации конкретных компаний и результатов их деятельности, до прогнозов бурения, добычи, экспорта углеводородов в целом по Казахстану.

В новом отчете, в отличие от прошлых версий, предлагается детальная статистика по экспорту газа и нефти по направлениям в разрезе всех добывающих компаний. Ретроспективные данные включают 2010-2011 года. Также в отчете присутствует прогноз добычи, экспорта и объемов эксплуатационного бурения в Казахстане. Более 50 карт с указанием лицензионных участков и доступа к нефте-газотранспортной системе Комитета геологии и охраны недр Казахстана.

В ключевых разделах отчета предоставляется информация о:
  • Ситуации на нефтегазовом рынке Казахстана в целом: добыча, переработка, внутреннее потребление ресурсов, экспорт, тенденции развития отрасли, прогнозы.
  • Состоянии нефте-газотранспортной системы: состояние, загрузка, проекты расширения
  • Инвестиционном климате в Казахстане: наиболее значимые законодательные акты, риски и перспективы для игроков отрасли.
  • Бизнесе каждой из 50 добывающих компаний, работающих в Казахстане: запасы лицензионных блоков, доступ к нефтегазовой инфраструктуре, объемы добычи и экспорта, а также политические и экономические факторы, влияющие на развитие добывающей компании.
  • Рынке эксплуатационного и разведочного бурения в Казахстане: объемы бурения, основные заказчики и подрядчики, прогноз бурения до 2020 года.
Исследование является незаменимым источником информации для:
  • Нефтегазовых предприятий, рассматривающих возможности выхода на рынок Казахстана или усиления своих позиций.
  • Нефтепромысловых сервисных компаний.
  • Производителей и поставщиков оборудования.
  • Инвестиционных и финансовых институтов.
  • Строительных и инжиниринговых компаний.
  • Трейдеров.
  • Государственных и международных энергетических организаций.
Данный продукт может служить важным инструментом:
  • в принятии стратегических решений для компаний, желающих развивать свой бизнес в Казахстане,
  • в принятии новых управленческих решений для тех компаний, которые уже присутствуют в Казахстане,
  • при необходимости полной и достоверной информации о нефтегазовой отрасли Казахстана.
Исследование обозначает основные векторы развития нефтегазодобывающей отрасли Казахстана в долгосрочном периоде (до 2020 года).

Данное исследование содержит прогнозы и предположения о вероятном развитии событий в будущем. Данные прогнозы и предположения основаны на детальном анализе информации, полученной из достоверных источников. Что позволяет прогнозировать основные угрозы и возможности.
Chapter 1: Overview of Kazakhstan Oil and Gas Industry
1.1 Oil
   Oil reserves and resources reserves
   Oil production
   Industry structure
   Oil refining
   Oil exports
   Oil production outlook
   Export potential
1.2 Gas
   Gas reserves and resources
   Gas production
   Gas processing capacity
   Gas consumption
   Gas utilization
   Gas export
   Gas production outlook
   Outlook for gas consumption, gas exports
1.3 Oil and gas transportation infrastructure
   Oil transportation infrastructure
   Outlook for development of export capacities
   Gas transportation infrastructure
   Key transport infrastructure projects
1.4 Investment Climate
   Taxation of subsoil users

Chapter 2: Kazakhstan’s oil and gas companies

2.1. Adai Petroleum Company
2.2. Aksai LLP JV
2.3. Altius Petroleum
2.5. Aral Petroleum Capital LLP
2.6. Arman LLP
2.7. Atash Company LLP
2.8. Block N Consortium
2.9. Buzachi Operating Ltd.
2.10. Caspi Meruerty Operating Company B.V.
2.11. CNPC- Ai-Dan-Munai
2.12. CNPC-Aktobemunaigas JSC
2.13. Condor Petroleum Inc
2.14. Caspian Zhuldyz (Mertvyi Kultuk project)
2.15. Emir Oil LLC
2.16. Jupiter Energy Ltd.
2.17. Karachaganak Petroleum Operating (KPO)
2.18. Karakudukmunai LLP
2.19. Karazhanbasmunai JSC (CCEL)
2.20. Kazakhmys Petroleum
2.21. Kazakhoil-Aktobe LLP
2.22. Kazgermunai JV
2.23. KazKorMunai LLP (South Karpovsky block)
2.24. KazMunaiGas Exploration and Production (KMG EP)
2.25. Kazpolmunai LLP and Tolkynneftegas LLP
2.26. Ken-Sary LLP
2.27. KMK Munai (former Lancaster Petroleum) JSC
2.28. KuatAmlonMunai JV (KAM)
2.29. Kurmangazy Petroleum LLP
2.30. Maersk Oil Kazakhstan GmbH
2.31. Matin JV
2.32. Max Petroleum PLC
2.33. Meerbusch LLP
2.34. Mangistaumunaigas JV
2.35. North Caspian Operating Company B.V. (NCOC)
2.36. North Caspian Petroleum Ltd.
2.38. Petrom S.A.
2.39. PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC
2.40. Potential Oil
2.41. Roxi Petroleum PLC
2.42. Sagiz Petroleum Co
2.43. Tengizchevroil JV (TCO)
2.44. Tethys Petroleum Ltd. (TPL)
2.45. Turgai Petroleum CJSC
2.46. Tyub-Karagan Operating Company B.V.
2.47. Zhaikmunai LLP
2.48. Zhalgiztobemunai LLP
2.49. Zhambai LLP
2.50. Zhambyl Petroleum LLP

Chapter 3: Drilling Market in Kazakhstan

3.1 Production drilling
3.2 Exploration drilling
3.3 Contractors
3.4 Drilling market prospects in Kazakhstan

APPENDIX 1: Maps of licensed deposits and blocks of hydrocarbon

   West-Kazakhstankaja province
   Atyrauskaja province
   Mangistauskaja province
   Kostanaiskaja province
   Kyzylordinskaja province
   Karagandinskaja province
   Zhambylskaja province
   Almatinskaya province
   East-Kazakhstanskaja province
   South-Kazakhstanskaja province

APPENDIX 2: Maps of main pipelines

   West-Kazakhstanskaja, Atyrauskaja, Aktyubinskaja province
   Mangistauskaja province
   Kostanajskaja, North-Kazakhstanskaja, Akmolinskaja, Karagandinskaja province
   Kyzylordinskaja, South-Kazakhstanskaja, Zhambylskaja province
   Almatinskaja province
   Pavlodarskaja, East-Kazakhstanskaja province

APPENDIX 3: Table of abbreviations used in the report

APPENDIX 4: Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves/Resources

Figure 1.1 Distribution of oil and condensate reserves by regions (%)*
Figure 1.2 Oil production in Kazakhstan in 2001-2011, MMtpa
Figure 1.3 Oil production in Kazakhstan by regions 2011, %
Figure 1.4 Kazakhstan's major oil producers in 2010-2011, MMt/MMbbl
Figure 1.5 NC KMG upstream assets, as of beginning of 2012
Figure 1.6 Major producing petroleum assets shareholders' structure
Figure 1.7 Primary oil refining in Kazakhstan, MMt
Figure 1.8 Kazakhstan's oil production and exports, MMt
Figure 1.9 Kazakhstan's oil exports by major producers in 2011, MMt
Figure 1.10 Kazakhstan's oil production in 2012-2020, MMt
Figure 1.11 Kazakhstan's oil production in 2012-2020, million barrels per day
Figure 1.12 Kazakhstan's oil export in 2010-2020, MMt
Figure 1.13 Kazakhstan's gas production, bcm
Figure 1.14 LPG production, thousand tons
Figure 1.15 Gas consumption in Kazakhstan
Figure 1.16 Gas being burnt in flares in Kazakhstan in 2006-2011, bcm
Figure 1.17 Kazakhstan's gas exports in 2001-2011, bcm
Figure 1.18 Kazakhstan’s gas export by major producers in 2011, bcm
Figure 1.19 Supplies of Karachaganak gas to the Orenburg GPP, bcm
Figure 1.20 Forecast of gas production in Kazakhstan in 2012-2020, bcm
Figure 1.21 CPC ownership structure
Figure 1.22 The scope of gas in transit through Kazakhstan in 2001-2011, Bcm
Figure 2.2.1.Tabynai oil production, Mt
Figure 2.3.1 Altius Petroleum oil production, Mt
Figure 2.4.1 ANACO oil production, Mt
Figure 2.5.1 Aral Petroleum sharefolders’ structure (as of the end of 2009*)
Figure 2.5.1 Aral Petroleum oil production, Mt
Figure 2.6.1 Arman oil production, Mt
Figure 2.6.2 Arman gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.9.1 Buzachi Operating oil production, Mt
Figure 2.9.2 Buzachi Operating gas production, MMcm
Figure 2. 11.1 СNPC-Ai-Dan Munai oil production, Mt
Figure 2. 12.1 CNPC-AMG oil production in 2001-2011, MMt
Figure 2. 12.2 CNPC-Aktobemunaigas gas production in 2001-2011, MMcm
Figure 2.15.1 Emir Oil’s oil production, Mt
Figure 2.15.2 Emir Oil transportation scheme
Figure 2.17.1 Karachaganak field and facilities
Figure 2.17.2 KPO oil and gas condensate production, Mt
Figure 2.17.3 KPO gas production, Mcm
Figure 2.17.4 Karachaganak marketing scheme, 2010
Figure 2.18.1 Oil production at the Karakuduk field, Mt
Figure 2.18.2 Gas production at the Karakuduk field, MMcm
Figure 2. 19.1 Karazhanbasmunai ownership structure
Figure 2.19.2 Karazhanbasmunai oil production, MMt
Figure 2.19.3 Karazhanbasmunai gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.20.1 Kazakhmys Petroleum oil and gas production in 2010-2011, Mt
Figure 2.21.1 Kazakhoil-Aktobe shareholders’ structure
Figure 2.21.2 Kazakhoil-Aktobe oil production, Mt
Figure 2.21.3 Kazakhoil-Aktobe gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.22.1 KGM oil production, Mt
Figure 2.22.2 KGM gas production, MMcm
Figure 2. 24.1 NC KMG upstream assets, as of December, 2011
Figure 2.24.1 UMG and EMG oil production, Mt
Figure 2.24.2 UMG and EMG gas production, mcm
Figure 2.25.1 KPM liquids production, Mt
Figure 2.25.2 TNG oil/gas condensate production, Mt
Figure 2.25.3 TNG gas production, Mcm
Figure 2.26.1 Ken-Sary LLP, oil production, Mt
Figure 2.27.1 KMK Munai oil production, Mt
Figure 2. 28.1 KAM oil production, Mt
Figure 2.28.2 KAM gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.30.1 Maersk oil production, Mt
Figure 2.30.2 Maersk Oil gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.31.1 Matin oil production, Mt
Figure 2.31.2 Matin gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.32.1 Test production at Zhana Makat, Mt
Figure 2.34.1 MMG oil production, Mt
Figure 2.34.2 MMG gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.37.1 PETROLINVEST Group structure
Figure 2.38.1 TOC oil production, Mt
Figure 2.38.2 TOC gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.38.3 KomMunai oil production, Mt
Figure 2.37.4 KomMunai gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.39.1. PKKR ownership structure
Figure 2.39.2 PKKR oil production, Mt
Figure 2.39.3 PKKR gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.40.1 Potential Oil ownership structure
Figure 2.40.2 Potential Oil production, Mt
Figure 2.42.1 Sagiz Petroleum, Oil production, Mt
Figure 2.43.1 TCO ownership structure
Figure 2.43.2 TCO oil production, Mt
Figure 2.43.3 TCO gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.44.1 Tethys gas production: MMcm
Figure 2.45.1 Turgai Pretroleum oil production, Mt
Figure 2.45.2 Turgai Pretroleum gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.47.1 Zhaikmunai oil production, Mt
Figure 2.47.2 Zhaikmunai gas production, MMcm
Figure 2.48.1 Zalgiztobemunai oil production, Mt
Figure 3.1 Production drilling dynamics in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011, thousand meters
Figure 3.2 Production drilling in Kazakhstan 2009-2011 by customer, thousand meters
Figure 3.3 Production drilling in Kazakhstan in 2011, by region, %
Figure 3.4 Exploration drilling dynamics in Kazakhstan in 2005-2011, thousand meters
Figure 3.5 Exploration drilling in Kazakhstan 2009-2011 by customer, thousand meters
Figure 3.6 Exploration drilling in Kazakhstan in 2011, by region, %
Figure 3.7 Market shares of major drilling contractors in Kazakhstan in 2011, by drilling metrage (%)
Figure 3.8 Production drilling market shares of the largest drilling companies in Kazakhstan in 2011, by drilling meterage (%)
Figure 3.9 Exploration drilling market shares of the largest drilling companies in 2011, by meterag (%)
Figure 3.10 Drilling market dynamics in Kazakhstan in 2010-2020, thousand meters
Table 1.1 Proved reserves of oil and gas condensate at the largest fields of Kazakhstan
Table 1.2 Projects under way on Kazakhstan’s Caspian shelf
Table 1.3 Reserves of Northern Caspian project
Table 1.4 Cumulative oil production by key players and their shares of total country production (%), as of the end of each year
Table 1.5 Kazakhstan's oil refining capacity
Table 1.6 Kazakhstan's production of oil products in 2010-2011, MMt
Table 1.7 Kazakhstan's plans for developing oil refining
Table 1.8 Crude oil distributions in Kazakhstan in 2010-2011, MMt
Table 1.9 Kazakhstan's fields with gas reserves, classified by type
Table 1.10 The fields with the largest gas reserves
Table 1.11 Gas production by key players in Kazakhstan in 2010-2011, bcm
Table 1.12 Kazakhstan's gas processing capacity
Table 1.13. Gas balance in Kazakhstan in 2010-2015, bcm
Table 2.1.1 Adai fields prospective resources
Table 2.1.2 Exploration activities at the Adai block
Table 2.1.3 Adai Petroleum pilot oil production
Table 2.3.1 Altius Petroleum oil reserves, by field, as of the end of 2008
Table 2.3.2 Drilling activities at Altius Petroleum contract areas in 2011, thousand meters
Table 2.4.1 Oil reserves at the Kyrykmyltyk field
Table 2.4.2 Well drilled at the Kyrykmyltyk field
Table 2.4.3 ANACO: performance in 2002-2011
Table 2.6.1 Arman field oil reserves, as of December 31, 2010
Table 2.9.1 Characteristics of North Buzachi oil
Table 2.9.2 Oil reserves at North Buzachi field
Table 2.9.3 Production drilling at the North Buzachi field, метров, 2005-2011
Table 2.9.4 Buzachi Operating Ltd. oil exports by main directions in 2011
Table 2.11.1 Drilling activities at СNPC-Ai-Dan Munai contract areas in 2010-2011, thousand meters
Table 2.12.1 CNPC-Aktobemunaigas hydrocarbon reserves, as of April 2009
Table 2.12.2 Major projects implemented/started in 2005-2011
Table 2.12.3 CNPC-AMG drilling volume in 2010-2011, thousand m.
Table 2. 12.4 CNPC-AMG 2011 oil exports by directions, mln t
Table 2.13.1 Condor Petroleum, oil and gas resources
Table 2.15.1 Emir Oil LLC fields and structures
Table 2.15.2 Emir Oil’s oil and gas reserves
Table 2.15.3 Wells drilled/to be drilled by Emir Oil, as of December, 2011
Table 2.16.1 Jupiter Energy resource base
Table 2.17.1 The Karachaganak field hydrocarbon reserves
Table 2.17.2 KPO export, 2011
Table 2.18.1 Characteristics of Karakuduk oil
Table 2.18.2 Karakuduk field oil reserves
Table 2.18.3 Production drilling, new wells commissioned and the well stock at the Karakuduk field
Table 2.18.4 Karakudukmunai JV export by directions
Table 2.19.1 Characteristics of Karazhanbas oil
Table 2.19.2 Karazhanbasmunai’s drilling scope by drilling contractors in 2010-2011, ‘000 meters
Table 2.21.1 Oil reserves at the Alibekmola and Kozhasai fields, as of December 31, 2010
Table 2.21.2 Commissioning of new wells at the Alibekmola and Kozhasai fields
Table 2.22.1 KGM proved oil reserves, as of March 31, 2009
Table 2.22.2 KGM contingent reserves, as of March 31, 2009
Table 2.22.3 Exploration and production drilling/workover at KGM fields in 2009
Table 2.22.4 Exports routes of KGM, 2011,’000t
Table 2.24.1 Key data
Table 2.24.2 EMG major producing fields
Table 2.24.3 KMG EP exploration targets
Table 2.24.4 KMG EP oil reserves, by fields (as of December 31, 2009)
Table 2.24.5 Drilling Scope, KMG Exploration Production in 2011, thousand meters per year
Table 2.24.6 KMG EP export sales of crude oil in 2011, by routs, MMt
Table 2.25.1 Total Borankol and Tolkyn field reserves, as of January 1, 2009
Table 2.25.2 Total Borankol field, as of January 1,2009
Table 2.25.3 Total Tolkyn field (Non-LPG), as of January 1, 2009
Table 2.25.4 KPM and TNG, development drilling, 2009-2011
Table 2.26.1 Oil reserves at the Arystanov field
Table 2.26.2 Ken-Sary LLP, production and exploration drilling, m
Table 2.27.1 КМК Munai drilling
Table 2.28.1 Drilling Volume at the KAM fields in 2010-2011, thousand meters
Table 2.29.1. Exploration activities at the Kurmangazy structure
Table 2.30.1 Hydrocarbon reserves of the Saigak field, as of December 31, 2008
Table 2.30.2 Mayersk Oil Kazakhstan, production drilling, 2009-2011
Table 2.31.1 Drilling activities at Matin contract area in 2010-2011, ‘000 meters
Table 2.32.1 Max Petroleum, reserves and resources
Table 2.32.2 Max Petroleum, production and exploration drilling
Table 2.33.1 Hydrocarbon reserves at the Kulzhan field
Table 2.33.2 Meerbusch production and exploration drilling
Table 2.35.1 Participating interests of North Caspian Operating Company B.V.
Table 2.35.2 Reserves of Northern Caspian project
Table 2.35.3 Planned offshore production infrastructure at Kashagan
Table 2.35.4 The Kashagan project key production parameters
Table 2.36.1 NCPL prospective resources
Table 2.37.1 OTG Contract prospective resources, as of October, 2011
Table 2.37.3 Zhubatam reserves estimate, as of June 30, 2009, Mboe
Table 2.37.4 Emba Contract prospective resources (Gross), as of June 30, 2009
Table 2.37.5 Profit prospective resources (Gross), as of June 30, 2009
Table 2.37.6 Tyubezhik contingent resources: crude oil (Mbbl)
Table 2.37.7 Zhangurshi contingent resources: crude oil (MMbbl), as of June 30, 2009
Table 2.38.1 PETROM SA KAZAKHSTAN proved reserves as of December 31, 2010
Table 2.38.2 PETROM SA KAZAKHSTAN, production drilling, 2009-2011
Table 2.38.3 PETROM SA KAZAKHSTAN export by directions, 2011
Table 2.39.1 PKKR licenses
Table 2.39.2 PKKR oil reserves, as of March 31, 2009
Table 2.39.3 Work performed at PKKR fields in 2010-2011
Table 2.40.1 Potential Oil reserves, as of December 31, 2009
Table 2.41.1 Roxi Petroleum's assets in Kazakhstan
Table 2.41.2 Roxi Petroleum's reserves/resources, 2011
Table 2.42.1 Sagiz Petroleum, production and exploration drilling
Table 2.43.1 TCO oil reserves, 2012
Table 2.43.1 TCO oil export, Mt
Table 2.44.1 Tethys Petroleum Ltd., overview of Land Holdings
Table 2.44.2 Tethys Petroleum oil and gas reserves in Kazakhstan (as of March 21, 2012)
Table 2.44.3 Tethys Petroleum Ltd., exploration and production drilling
Table 2.45.1 Characteristics of Kumkol oil
Table 2.45.2 Turgai Petroleum hydrocarbon reserves at the contract territory of the Kumkol field
Table 2.45.3 Turgai Petroleum CJSC production drilling, m
Table 2.45.4 Turgai-Petroleum JV Oil Exports by Main Directions, Mt, 2011
Table 2.47.1 Zhaikmunai hydrocarbon reserves, as of July 1, 2009
Table 2.47.2 Wells drilled at the Chingarevskoye field
Table 2.48.1 Oil reserves at the Zhalgiztobe field
Table 2.48.2 Zhalgiztobe, production drilling, m, 2009-2011
Table 3.1 Top five drilling contractors in 2011
Map 1.1 Existing oil and gas transportation infrastructure of Kazakhstan
Map 2.1.1 Adai Petroleum territory location
Map 2.2.1.Aksai business operations area
Map 2.3.1 Altius Petroleum contract areas
Map 2.3.2 Altius Petroleum contract areas
Map 2.4.1 The Kyrykmyltyk field
Map 2.5.1 North (Severny) Block
Map.2.5.2 North block fields location
Map 2.6.1 Arman field
Map 2.7.1 Atash LLP business activity
Map 2.8.1 Block N location
Map 2.9.1 North Buzachi field location
Map 2.10.1 Zhemchuzhiny (Pearls) Block
Map 2.11.1 СNPC-Ai-Dan-Munai contract areas
Map 2. 12.1 CNPC-AMG fields
Map 2.13.1 Condor Petroleum Contract areas
Map 2.14.1 The Mertvyi Kultuk block location
Map 2.15.1 Emir Oil Contract areas
Map 2.16.1 Jupiter Energy license area
Map 2.17.1 Karachaganak Petroleum Operating business area
Map 2.18.1 Karakuduk field
Map 2.19.1. Karazhanbasmunai business area
Map 2.20.1 East Akzhar block location
Map 2.21.1 Kazakhoil – Aktobe business operations area
Map 2.22.1 KGM fields
Map 2.23.1 South Karpovsky block
Map 2.24.1 KMG EP fields
Map 2.24.2 KMG EP exploration blocks
Map 2.24.3 North Karpovsky and Fedorovsky exploration blocks
Map 2.25.1 Kazpolmunai and Tolkynneftegas operations area
Map 2.26.1 Ken- Sary business operations area
Map 2.27.1 Kokzhide, Kumsai and Mortuk license areas
Map 2.28.1 KAM business operations area
Map 2.29.1 The Kurmangazy structure
Map 2.30.1 Saigak field location
Map 2.30.2 Dunga field location
Map 2.31.1. Matin field
Map 2.32.1 Max Petroleum license areas
Map 2.33.1 Kulzhan field location
Map 2.34.1 MMG major fields
Map 2.35.1 NCOC business operation area
Map 2.36.1 The Alacol block location
Map 2.36.2 Leads and prospects identified within the Alakol block
Map 2.37.1 PETROLINVEST Group assets in Kazakhstan
Map 2.37.2 The Profit Contracr area
Map 2.38.1 Petrom business operations areas
Map 2.39.1 PKKR business operations area
Map 2.39.2 PKKR transportation options
Map 2.40.1 Potential Oil business operations area
Map 2.41.1 Roxi Petroleum's assets in Kazakhstan
Map 2.42.1. Sagiz Petroleum business area
Map 2.43.1 Tengiz field location
Map. 2.44.1 Tethys's License/Contract Areas
Map 2.45.1 Turgai Petroleum business area
Map 2.46.1 Tyub-Karagan block
Map 2.47.1 Zhaikmunai business area
Map 2.48.1 Zhalgiztobemunai field
Map 2.49.1 Zhambai South and South Zaburunye blocks
Map 2.50.1 Zhambyl block consortium contract area

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