Более 20 лет RPI выпускает аналитические отчеты, охватывающие все сегменты нефтегазовой отрасли стран СНГ, Центральной и Восточной Европы.
Наша задача – достичь результата, при котором клиент получит необходимые знания и информацию, которые сможет использовать для развития бизнеса. Наш метод работы основан на сочетании отраслевой аналитической экспертизы с пониманием бизнес-процессов и задач клиента.
Наша задача – достичь результата, при котором клиент получит необходимые знания и информацию, которые сможет использовать для развития бизнеса. Наш метод работы основан на сочетании отраслевой аналитической экспертизы с пониманием бизнес-процессов и задач клиента.
«Разведка и добыча нефти и газа в Казахстане» - это уникальное детальное исследование сектора разведки и добычи нефтегазовой отрасли страны с акцентом на деятельность компаний-операторов и буровых подрядчиков.
Исследование состоит из трех частей:
Исследование состоит из трех частей:
- 1. Обзор нефтегазовой отрасли Казахстана, включая:
- Добычу
- Транспортировку и экспорт
- Переработку и законодательные аспекты
- 2. Профили 67 компаний-операторов, осуществляющих добычу нефти и газа на территории Казахстана, каждый из которых содержит данные о:
- Корпоративной структуре Корпоративной структуре Корпоративной структуре
- Активах: лицензии, запасы, месторождения
- Текущей деятельности: разведка, добыча, бурение
- Экспорте и маркетинговых стратегиях
- Контактах компании
- 3. Детальные структурированные данные по бурению и капитальному ремонту скважин на территории Казахстана с возможность обновления весной и осенью 2007 года. В эту уникальную базу включены данные по:
- 54 операторам,
- 67 месторождениям,
- 35 подрядчикам по бурению и кап. ремонту скважин
- более 220 буровым станкам
- Оператору
- Месторождению / области
- Подрядчику по бурению / кап.ремонту
- Типу станка
- Типу скважины
- Средней глубине скважин
- Подрядчику по проектированию / технологии бурения
- Нефтегазовых компаний, рассматривающих возможности выхода на рынок Казахстана или усиления своих позиций на этом рынке
- Нефтепромысловых сервисных компаний
- Производителей и поставщиков оборудования
- Инвестиционных и финансовых институтов
- Строительных и инжиниринговых компаний
- Трейдеров
- Государственных и международных энергетических организаций
1.1. Oil & Gas Potential
1.2. Export Capabilities of Kazakhstan
1.3. Investment Climate
2.1. ADA Block Consortium
2.2. Adai Petroleum Company
2.3. Agip KCO North Caspian Operating Company N.V.
2.4. CNPC-Ai Dan Munai JSC (CNDOC)
2.5. Aksal LLP JV
2.6. CNPC-Aktobemunaigas
2.7. Altius Energy Corporation
2.8. Amangeldy Gas
2.9. American International Petroleum Kazakhstan (American International Petroleum Corp., AIPC)
2.11. Aral Petroleum Capital LLP
2.12. Arman (LUKOIL Overseas, Shell)
2.13. ArnaOil (formerly KazMunaiGas-Telf LLP)
2.14. Atash LLP
2.15. Atyraumunai
2.16. Block-8 Consortium
2.17. BN Munai LLP and Kul-Bas LLP
2.18. Buzachi Operating Ltd.
2.19. Caspi Neft TME (Transmeridian)
2.20. Caspian Gas Corporation (Bridge Hydrocarbons)
2.21. Caspioilgas LLP
2.22. Central Asia Oil LLP (BATT Corporation)
2.23. Emir Oil LLP
2.24. Gyural LLP
2.25. Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B. V. (KPO)
2.26. ZAO Karakudukmunai
2.27. OAO Karazhanbasmunai (Nations Energy)
2.28. LLP KazakhOil - Aktobe
2.29. Kazakhturkmunai LLP
2.30. Kazgas Ltd., Samek International LLP, Samek Development LLP(Max Petroleum)
2.31. GU Kazgermunai - KGM
2.32. Kazmunaigas Exploration and Production (KMG E&P)
2.33. KuzmunaiTeniz
2.34. Kazneftehim-Kopa LLP
2.35. ZAO Kazpolmunai and OAO Tolkynneftegaz
2.36. Ken-Sary LLP
2.37. KKM Operating Company
2.38. Kok-Aral Munai LLP
2.39. KOR
2.40. Kor-Tazh LLP ( CIOC)
2.41. KoZhaN LLP (Big Sky Energy) Vector Energy West LLP (Big Sky Energy Atyrau) KoZhaN LLP
2.42. Kuatamlonmunai LLP - KAM JV
2.43. Kurmangazy Petroleum LLP
2.44. Liman Caspian Oil BV ( Aurado Energy)
2.45. Maersk Oil Kazakhstan GmbH
2.46. Maksat Munai LLP
2.47. JSC Mangistaumunaigas (ММG)
2.48. CJSC JV Matin
2.49. Olager Oil LLP (Victoria Oil & Gas International)
2.50. The Pearls Blocks PSA
2.51. Petrokazakhstan (Petrochina)
2.52. Repsol Exploration Kazakhstan, S.A.
2.53. Sagiz Petroleum, formerly First Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd. ( Sinopec)
2.54. ZAO Sazankurak (Sinopec)
2.55. Sevkazgra
2.56. Shakharmunaigaz
2.57. Taraz LLP (Caspian Holdings Plc)
2.58. Tasbulat Oil Corporation, Oztiurk Munai, Kom - Munai (PETROM)
2.59. JV Tenge
2.60. Tengizchevroil (TCO) JV
2.61. Turan EnerPetroleum
2.62. ZAO Turgai Petroleum
2.63. Tyub-Karagan Operating Company B.V.
2.64. Ural Oil and Gas, MOL Caspian Oil and Gas LTD
2.65. Zhaikmunai LLP (Tensor EMBOF)
2.66. ZhalgiztobeMunai LLP
2.67. Zhambyl Block Consortium (KNOC)
3.1. Drilling activity in Caspian Sea
3.2. Drilling activity in Western Kazakhstan
3.3. Drilling activity in Aktobe region
3.4. Drilling activity in Atyrau region
3.5. Drilling activity in Mangistau region
3.6. Drilling activity in Kyzylorda region
3.7. Rig contractors activity
3.8. Rig Rates September 2006
1.1. Oil & Gas Potential
1.2. Export Capabilities of Kazakhstan
1.3. Investment Climate
2.1. ADA Block Consortium
2.2. Adai Petroleum Company
2.3. Agip KCO North Caspian Operating Company N.V.
2.4. CNPC-Ai Dan Munai JSC (CNDOC)
2.5. Aksal LLP JV
2.6. CNPC-Aktobemunaigas
2.7. Altius Energy Corporation
2.8. Amangeldy Gas
2.9. American International Petroleum Kazakhstan (American International Petroleum Corp., AIPC)
2.11. Aral Petroleum Capital LLP
2.12. Arman (LUKOIL Overseas, Shell)
2.13. ArnaOil (formerly KazMunaiGas-Telf LLP)
2.14. Atash LLP
2.15. Atyraumunai
2.16. Block-8 Consortium
2.17. BN Munai LLP and Kul-Bas LLP
2.18. Buzachi Operating Ltd.
2.19. Caspi Neft TME (Transmeridian)
2.20. Caspian Gas Corporation (Bridge Hydrocarbons)
2.21. Caspioilgas LLP
2.22. Central Asia Oil LLP (BATT Corporation)
2.23. Emir Oil LLP
2.24. Gyural LLP
2.25. Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B. V. (KPO)
2.26. ZAO Karakudukmunai
2.27. OAO Karazhanbasmunai (Nations Energy)
2.28. LLP KazakhOil - Aktobe
2.29. Kazakhturkmunai LLP
2.30. Kazgas Ltd., Samek International LLP, Samek Development LLP(Max Petroleum)
2.31. GU Kazgermunai - KGM
2.32. Kazmunaigas Exploration and Production (KMG E&P)
2.33. KuzmunaiTeniz
2.34. Kazneftehim-Kopa LLP
2.35. ZAO Kazpolmunai and OAO Tolkynneftegaz
2.36. Ken-Sary LLP
2.37. KKM Operating Company
2.38. Kok-Aral Munai LLP
2.39. KOR
2.40. Kor-Tazh LLP ( CIOC)
2.41. KoZhaN LLP (Big Sky Energy) Vector Energy West LLP (Big Sky Energy Atyrau) KoZhaN LLP
2.42. Kuatamlonmunai LLP - KAM JV
2.43. Kurmangazy Petroleum LLP
2.44. Liman Caspian Oil BV ( Aurado Energy)
2.45. Maersk Oil Kazakhstan GmbH
2.46. Maksat Munai LLP
2.47. JSC Mangistaumunaigas (ММG)
2.48. CJSC JV Matin
2.49. Olager Oil LLP (Victoria Oil & Gas International)
2.50. The Pearls Blocks PSA
2.51. Petrokazakhstan (Petrochina)
2.52. Repsol Exploration Kazakhstan, S.A.
2.53. Sagiz Petroleum, formerly First Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd. ( Sinopec)
2.54. ZAO Sazankurak (Sinopec)
2.55. Sevkazgra
2.56. Shakharmunaigaz
2.57. Taraz LLP (Caspian Holdings Plc)
2.58. Tasbulat Oil Corporation, Oztiurk Munai, Kom - Munai (PETROM)
2.59. JV Tenge
2.60. Tengizchevroil (TCO) JV
2.61. Turan EnerPetroleum
2.62. ZAO Turgai Petroleum
2.63. Tyub-Karagan Operating Company B.V.
2.64. Ural Oil and Gas, MOL Caspian Oil and Gas LTD
2.65. Zhaikmunai LLP (Tensor EMBOF)
2.66. ZhalgiztobeMunai LLP
2.67. Zhambyl Block Consortium (KNOC)
3.1. Drilling activity in Caspian Sea
3.2. Drilling activity in Western Kazakhstan
3.3. Drilling activity in Aktobe region
3.4. Drilling activity in Atyrau region
3.5. Drilling activity in Mangistau region
3.6. Drilling activity in Kyzylorda region
3.7. Rig contractors activity
3.8. Rig Rates September 2006
Chart 1.1.1. Reserves of oil and condensate in Kazakhstan as of beginning of 2006 (million tons)
Chart 1.1.2. Distribution of oil and condensate reserves by regions (%)
Chart 1.1.3. Oil or oil and gas condensate fields of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Chart 1.1.4. Oil and gas condensate production in Kazakhstan (million tons)
Chart 1.1.5. Oil production in Kazakhstan by regions
Chart 1.1.6. Oil refining in Kazakhstan,(million tons)
Chart 1.1.7. Export of oil from Kazakhstan. (million tons)
Chart 1.1.8. Gas reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of beginning of 2006 (billion cubic meters)
Chart 1.1.9. Fields in the Republic of Kazakhstan with gas reserves
Chart 1.1.10. Production of sour gas in Kazakhstan (billion cubic meters per year)
Chart 1.1.11. Production of LPG in the Republic of Kazakhstan (thousand tons per year)
Chart 1.2.1. Export of oil from Kazakhstan by modes of transportation
Chart 1.2.2. CPC shareholders (%)
Chart 2.2.1. Adai Petroleum company oil production (thousand tons per year)
Chart 2.3.1. Participating interests of Agip KCO North Caspian Operating Company N.V.
Chart 2.3.2 Agip KCO recoverable oil and condensate reserves (million tons)
Chart 2.3.3. Kashagan network of contracts
Chart 2.3.4. Agip KCO investment (US$ million)
Chart 2.3.5. Agip KCO Planning production level since 2008 (thousand barrels per day)
Chart 2.3.6. Kashagan PSA production delivery scheme
Chart 2.4.1. Ai-Dan Munai: Oil and Gas Condensate Production in 2003 to 2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.4.2. Ai-Dan Munai: Gas Production Profile in 2004 to 2005 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.6.1. CNPC Aktobemunaigas investment (US$ million)
Chart 2.6.2. CNPC Aktobemunaigas oil production (million tons)
Chart 2.6.3. CNPC Aktobemunaigas gas production (billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.7.1. Altius Energy Reserve Base in Kazakhstan (%) Total proved plus probable reserves 27,4 million barrels
Chart 2.7.2. Altius Energy Capital Expenditure Budget 2006. Total $26 million
Chart 2.7.3. Akzhar production rates (b/d)
Chart 2.8.1. Amangeldy condensate production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.8.2. Amangeldy gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.10.1. ANACO oil production 2000 - 2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.11.1. Aral Petroleum oil production in 2004-2006. (tons)
Chart 2.12.1. Arman oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.12.2. Arman gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.13.1. Arna Oil (Kazmunai Telf) oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.15.1. Atyraumunai oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.18.1. North Buzachi oil recoverable reserves estimations (million tons)
Chart 2.18.2. Buzachi Operating oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.19. 1. Caspi Neft oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.23.1. Emir Oil production forecast in 2006 and 2009 (b/d)
Chart 2.24.1. Gyural oil production in 2004-2006 (thousand tones)
Chart 2.25.1. Karacahaganak Petroleum Operating owners
Chart 2.25.2 Karachaganak field and facilities
Chart 2.25.3. Karachaganak Petroleum Operating investment 2001-2005. (US$ million)
Chart 2.25.4. KPO oil and condensate production (million tons)
Chart 2.25.5. KPO gas production (billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.25.6. Karachaganak marketing scheme
Chart 2.26.1. KKM oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.27.1. Karazhanbas field reserves (million barrels)
Chart 2.27.2. Karazhanbas annual investment 2000-2005 (US$ million)
Chart 2.27.3. Karazhanbas oil production (million tons)
Chart 2.27.4. Karazhanbas gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.28.1. KazakhOIL-Aktobe investment 2003-2005. (US$ million)
Chart 2.28.2. KazakhOIL-Aktobe oil production 2002-2006. (thousand tons)
Chart 2.29.1. Kazakhturkmunai oil production in 2000-2006. (thousand tons)
Chart 2.30.1. Max Petroleum organizational structure
Chart 2.31.1. Kazgermunai oil production 2000 -2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.31.2 Kazgermunai gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.32.1. UMG oil production 2000-2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.32.2. UMG gas production 2003-2006 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.32.3. EMG oil and condensate production 2000-2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.32.4. EMG gas production 2003-2006 (thousand cubic meters)
Chart 2.33.1. Abai prospective resources by structures. Total 780 million tons
Chart 2.33.2. Isatai prospective resources by structures. Total 468 million tons
Chart 2.34.1. Oil production by Kazneftechim - Kopa in 2005-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.35.1. Kazpolmunai oil production in 2002-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.35.2. Kazpolmunai gas production in 2003-2006.(million cubic meters)
Chart 2.35.3. Tolkynneftegaz oil and condensate production in 2003-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.25.4. Tolkynneftegaz gas production in 2003-2006.(billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.37.1. Kokzhide oil reserves (million barrels)
Chart 2.37.2. Oil production of KKM Operating 2001-2005 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.37.3. KKM Operating: number of producing wells 2001-2005
Chart 2.39.1. KOR oil production in 2002-2006. (thousand tons)
Chart 2.40.1. CIOC organizational structure
Chart 2.42.1. KAM oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.42.2. KKM gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.44.1. Comparative estimations of Liman block oil resources potential (million barrels)
Chart 2.45.1. Maersk oil production in 2002 -2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.45.2. Maersk gas production in 2003-2006 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.47.1. MMG annual investments (US$ million)
Chart 2.47.2. Mangistaumunaigas crude oil production in 2000 - 2006. (million tons)
Chart 2.47.3. Mangistaumunaigas gas production in 2000 - 2006. (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.48.1. Matin oil production in 2000-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.48.2. Matin gas production in 2003 - 2006 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.49.1. Olager forecasting oil production (barrels per day
Chart 2.51.1. Petrokazakhstan current ownership internal structure
Chart 2.51.2. Petrokazakhstan growth of oil reserves in 1996-2004 (million barrels)
Chart 2.51.3. Petrokazakhstan oil production in 2000-2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.51.4. Petrokazakhstan gas production in 2003-2006 (billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.54.1. Sazankurak oil production in 2000-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.57.1. Taraz oil production in 2006. (tons)
Chart 2.58.1. Petrom oil production 2004-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.59.1. Tenge oil production in 2003-2006. (thousand tons)
Chart 2.60.1. Tengizchevroil investments in 2000-2006
Chart 2.60.2. TCO oil production in 2000-2006. (million tons)
Chart 2.60.3. TCO gas production in 2000-2006 (billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.62.1. Turgai Petroleum investments in 2000-2005 (US$ million)
Chart 2.62.2. Turgai Pretroleum oil production in 2000-2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.62.3. Turgai Pretroleum gas production in 2000-2006 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.65.1. Zhaikmunai Ryder Scott reserves estimations (million tons)
Chart 2.65.2. Zhaikmunai oil production in 2002-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.67.1. Current Zhambyl Block Consortium participants
Chart 2.67.2. Different estimations of Zhambyl oil reserves (million tons)
Chart 1.1.2. Distribution of oil and condensate reserves by regions (%)
Chart 1.1.3. Oil or oil and gas condensate fields of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Chart 1.1.4. Oil and gas condensate production in Kazakhstan (million tons)
Chart 1.1.5. Oil production in Kazakhstan by regions
Chart 1.1.6. Oil refining in Kazakhstan,(million tons)
Chart 1.1.7. Export of oil from Kazakhstan. (million tons)
Chart 1.1.8. Gas reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of beginning of 2006 (billion cubic meters)
Chart 1.1.9. Fields in the Republic of Kazakhstan with gas reserves
Chart 1.1.10. Production of sour gas in Kazakhstan (billion cubic meters per year)
Chart 1.1.11. Production of LPG in the Republic of Kazakhstan (thousand tons per year)
Chart 1.2.1. Export of oil from Kazakhstan by modes of transportation
Chart 1.2.2. CPC shareholders (%)
Chart 2.2.1. Adai Petroleum company oil production (thousand tons per year)
Chart 2.3.1. Participating interests of Agip KCO North Caspian Operating Company N.V.
Chart 2.3.2 Agip KCO recoverable oil and condensate reserves (million tons)
Chart 2.3.3. Kashagan network of contracts
Chart 2.3.4. Agip KCO investment (US$ million)
Chart 2.3.5. Agip KCO Planning production level since 2008 (thousand barrels per day)
Chart 2.3.6. Kashagan PSA production delivery scheme
Chart 2.4.1. Ai-Dan Munai: Oil and Gas Condensate Production in 2003 to 2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.4.2. Ai-Dan Munai: Gas Production Profile in 2004 to 2005 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.6.1. CNPC Aktobemunaigas investment (US$ million)
Chart 2.6.2. CNPC Aktobemunaigas oil production (million tons)
Chart 2.6.3. CNPC Aktobemunaigas gas production (billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.7.1. Altius Energy Reserve Base in Kazakhstan (%) Total proved plus probable reserves 27,4 million barrels
Chart 2.7.2. Altius Energy Capital Expenditure Budget 2006. Total $26 million
Chart 2.7.3. Akzhar production rates (b/d)
Chart 2.8.1. Amangeldy condensate production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.8.2. Amangeldy gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.10.1. ANACO oil production 2000 - 2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.11.1. Aral Petroleum oil production in 2004-2006. (tons)
Chart 2.12.1. Arman oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.12.2. Arman gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.13.1. Arna Oil (Kazmunai Telf) oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.15.1. Atyraumunai oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.18.1. North Buzachi oil recoverable reserves estimations (million tons)
Chart 2.18.2. Buzachi Operating oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.19. 1. Caspi Neft oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.23.1. Emir Oil production forecast in 2006 and 2009 (b/d)
Chart 2.24.1. Gyural oil production in 2004-2006 (thousand tones)
Chart 2.25.1. Karacahaganak Petroleum Operating owners
Chart 2.25.2 Karachaganak field and facilities
Chart 2.25.3. Karachaganak Petroleum Operating investment 2001-2005. (US$ million)
Chart 2.25.4. KPO oil and condensate production (million tons)
Chart 2.25.5. KPO gas production (billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.25.6. Karachaganak marketing scheme
Chart 2.26.1. KKM oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.27.1. Karazhanbas field reserves (million barrels)
Chart 2.27.2. Karazhanbas annual investment 2000-2005 (US$ million)
Chart 2.27.3. Karazhanbas oil production (million tons)
Chart 2.27.4. Karazhanbas gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.28.1. KazakhOIL-Aktobe investment 2003-2005. (US$ million)
Chart 2.28.2. KazakhOIL-Aktobe oil production 2002-2006. (thousand tons)
Chart 2.29.1. Kazakhturkmunai oil production in 2000-2006. (thousand tons)
Chart 2.30.1. Max Petroleum organizational structure
Chart 2.31.1. Kazgermunai oil production 2000 -2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.31.2 Kazgermunai gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.32.1. UMG oil production 2000-2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.32.2. UMG gas production 2003-2006 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.32.3. EMG oil and condensate production 2000-2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.32.4. EMG gas production 2003-2006 (thousand cubic meters)
Chart 2.33.1. Abai prospective resources by structures. Total 780 million tons
Chart 2.33.2. Isatai prospective resources by structures. Total 468 million tons
Chart 2.34.1. Oil production by Kazneftechim - Kopa in 2005-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.35.1. Kazpolmunai oil production in 2002-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.35.2. Kazpolmunai gas production in 2003-2006.(million cubic meters)
Chart 2.35.3. Tolkynneftegaz oil and condensate production in 2003-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.25.4. Tolkynneftegaz gas production in 2003-2006.(billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.37.1. Kokzhide oil reserves (million barrels)
Chart 2.37.2. Oil production of KKM Operating 2001-2005 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.37.3. KKM Operating: number of producing wells 2001-2005
Chart 2.39.1. KOR oil production in 2002-2006. (thousand tons)
Chart 2.40.1. CIOC organizational structure
Chart 2.42.1. KAM oil production (thousand tons)
Chart 2.42.2. KKM gas production (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.44.1. Comparative estimations of Liman block oil resources potential (million barrels)
Chart 2.45.1. Maersk oil production in 2002 -2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.45.2. Maersk gas production in 2003-2006 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.47.1. MMG annual investments (US$ million)
Chart 2.47.2. Mangistaumunaigas crude oil production in 2000 - 2006. (million tons)
Chart 2.47.3. Mangistaumunaigas gas production in 2000 - 2006. (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.48.1. Matin oil production in 2000-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.48.2. Matin gas production in 2003 - 2006 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.49.1. Olager forecasting oil production (barrels per day
Chart 2.51.1. Petrokazakhstan current ownership internal structure
Chart 2.51.2. Petrokazakhstan growth of oil reserves in 1996-2004 (million barrels)
Chart 2.51.3. Petrokazakhstan oil production in 2000-2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.51.4. Petrokazakhstan gas production in 2003-2006 (billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.54.1. Sazankurak oil production in 2000-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.57.1. Taraz oil production in 2006. (tons)
Chart 2.58.1. Petrom oil production 2004-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.59.1. Tenge oil production in 2003-2006. (thousand tons)
Chart 2.60.1. Tengizchevroil investments in 2000-2006
Chart 2.60.2. TCO oil production in 2000-2006. (million tons)
Chart 2.60.3. TCO gas production in 2000-2006 (billion cubic meters)
Chart 2.62.1. Turgai Petroleum investments in 2000-2005 (US$ million)
Chart 2.62.2. Turgai Pretroleum oil production in 2000-2006 (million tons)
Chart 2.62.3. Turgai Pretroleum gas production in 2000-2006 (million cubic meters)
Chart 2.65.1. Zhaikmunai Ryder Scott reserves estimations (million tons)
Chart 2.65.2. Zhaikmunai oil production in 2002-2006 (thousand tons)
Chart 2.67.1. Current Zhambyl Block Consortium participants
Chart 2.67.2. Different estimations of Zhambyl oil reserves (million tons)
Тable 1.1.1. Reserves of oil at the largest fields of Kazakhstan
Table 1.1.2. Oil and gas condensate production by the major producers in Kazakhstan, millions of tons
Table 1.1.3. Production of the major petroleum products in Kazakhstan. (million tons)
Table 1.1.4. Oil balance of Kazakhstan, (millions tons)
Table 1.1.5. Reserves of free gas at the fields of Kazakhstan
Table 1.1.6. Production of commercial gas by the major producers in Kazakhstan (billion cubic meters)
Table 1.1.7. Gas balance of Kazakhstan. (billion cubic meters)
Table 1.2.1. Main technical characteristics of existing pipelines pumping oil for export from Kazakhstan
Table 1.2.2. Main technical characteristics of existing pipelines pumping gas for export from and via Kazakhstan
Table 2.4.1. Aryssky field in-place and recoverable oil reserves. (million tons)
Table 2.8.1. Key estimate indicators of Kaztransgaz project for the Amangeldy group of fields
Table 2.11.1. Aral Petroleum reserves (million barrels)
Table 2.11.2. Aral Petroleum Investment program for 2006 and 2007
Table 2.19.1. Caspi Neft proved crude oil reserves as of December 31, 2005
Table 2.23.1. Emir oil and condensate reserves (million barrels)
Table 2.23.2. Emir total reserves (million boe)
Table 2.23.3. Emir Oil LLP wells
Table 2.27.1. Karazhanbasmunai Investment program for 2003-2006 (%)
Table 2.27.2. Karazhanbas field oil wells in 2001-2005
Table 2.30.1. A&E Block and East Alibek contract details
Table 2.31.1. Kazgermunai current proved and probable reserves estimations (million barrels)
Table 2.32.1. Principle licenses of KMG E&P
Table 2.32.2. Uzenmunaigas KMG E&P reserves (million barrels)
Table 2.32.3. Embamunaigas KMG E&P reserves (million barrels)
Table 2.32.4. KMG investment 2000-2005 (US$ million)
Table 2.34.1. Tagan South oil reserves
Table 2.42.1. KAM Oil and gas reserves
Table 2.43.1. Kurmangazy oil resources
Table 2.45.1. Saigak oil quality
Table 2.47.1. Mangistaumunaigas residual and extractable oil, condensate and gas reserves
Table 2.51.1. Petrokazakhstan proven gross reserves
Table 2.51.2. Petrokazakhstan oil wells status
Table 2.57.1. Taraz LLP reserves
Table 2.57.2. Zhengeldy field oil quality
Table 2.57.3. Caspian Holdings results of 2006 drilling program
Table 2.60.1. TCO basic planning targets of project
Table 1.1.2. Oil and gas condensate production by the major producers in Kazakhstan, millions of tons
Table 1.1.3. Production of the major petroleum products in Kazakhstan. (million tons)
Table 1.1.4. Oil balance of Kazakhstan, (millions tons)
Table 1.1.5. Reserves of free gas at the fields of Kazakhstan
Table 1.1.6. Production of commercial gas by the major producers in Kazakhstan (billion cubic meters)
Table 1.1.7. Gas balance of Kazakhstan. (billion cubic meters)
Table 1.2.1. Main technical characteristics of existing pipelines pumping oil for export from Kazakhstan
Table 1.2.2. Main technical characteristics of existing pipelines pumping gas for export from and via Kazakhstan
Table 2.4.1. Aryssky field in-place and recoverable oil reserves. (million tons)
Table 2.8.1. Key estimate indicators of Kaztransgaz project for the Amangeldy group of fields
Table 2.11.1. Aral Petroleum reserves (million barrels)
Table 2.11.2. Aral Petroleum Investment program for 2006 and 2007
Table 2.19.1. Caspi Neft proved crude oil reserves as of December 31, 2005
Table 2.23.1. Emir oil and condensate reserves (million barrels)
Table 2.23.2. Emir total reserves (million boe)
Table 2.23.3. Emir Oil LLP wells
Table 2.27.1. Karazhanbasmunai Investment program for 2003-2006 (%)
Table 2.27.2. Karazhanbas field oil wells in 2001-2005
Table 2.30.1. A&E Block and East Alibek contract details
Table 2.31.1. Kazgermunai current proved and probable reserves estimations (million barrels)
Table 2.32.1. Principle licenses of KMG E&P
Table 2.32.2. Uzenmunaigas KMG E&P reserves (million barrels)
Table 2.32.3. Embamunaigas KMG E&P reserves (million barrels)
Table 2.32.4. KMG investment 2000-2005 (US$ million)
Table 2.34.1. Tagan South oil reserves
Table 2.42.1. KAM Oil and gas reserves
Table 2.43.1. Kurmangazy oil resources
Table 2.45.1. Saigak oil quality
Table 2.47.1. Mangistaumunaigas residual and extractable oil, condensate and gas reserves
Table 2.51.1. Petrokazakhstan proven gross reserves
Table 2.51.2. Petrokazakhstan oil wells status
Table 2.57.1. Taraz LLP reserves
Table 2.57.2. Zhengeldy field oil quality
Table 2.57.3. Caspian Holdings results of 2006 drilling program
Table 2.60.1. TCO basic planning targets of project
Map 1.1.1. Key fields and Prospects of the Kazakhstan Caspian Sector
Map 1.2.1. Kazakhstan oil export routes
Map 1.2.3. Gas Export Routes From Kazakhstan to China
Map 2.1.1. ADA field block
Map 2.2.1. Adai Petroleum Company activity
Map 2.3.1. Agip KCO North Caspian Operating Company N.V. area of operations
Map 2.4.1. CNPC-Ai Dan Munai JSC ( CNDOC) activity
Map 2.5.1. Aksai LLP business activity
Map 2.6.1. CNPC-Aktobemunaigas business area
Map 2.7.1. Altius Energy Corporation business activity
Map 2.8.1. Amangeldy Gas business area
Map 2.9.1. American International Petroleum operations zone
Map 2.10.1. ANACO business area
Map 2.11.1. Aral Petroleum business area
Map 2.12.1. Arman business area
Map 2.13.1. Arna Oil business area
Map 2.14.1. Atash LLP business area
Map 2.15.1. Atyraumunai business area
Map 2.17.1. Kyzyloi and Akkulka area of operatins
Map 2.17.2. Kul-Bas area of operations
Map 2.18.1. Buzachi Operating area
Map 2.19.1. Caspi Neft operating area
Map 2.20.1. Caspian Gas corporation business area
Map 2.21.1. Caspioilgas area
Map 2.23.1. Emir Oil business area
Map 2.24.1. Gyural operations area
Map 2.25.1 Karachaganak Petroleum Operating business area
Map 2.26.1. Karakudukmunai business area
Map 2.27.1. Karazhanbasmunai business area
Map 2.28.1. Kazakhoil - Aktobe operations area
Map 2.29.1. Kazakhturkmunai operations in Aktyubinsk region
Map 2.30.1. Max Petroleum business area in Atyrau region
Map 2.31.1. Kazgermunai business area
Map 2.32.1. Uzenmunaigas business area
Map 2.32.2. Embamunaigas main fields
Map 2.33.1. Kazmunai Teniz main business area
Map 2.34.1. Kazneftechim-Kopa business area
Map 2.35.1. Kazpolmunai and Tolkynneftegaz operations area
Map 2.36.1. Ken- Sary business operations area
Map 2.37.1. KKM Operating Company business area
Map 2.38.1. Kok-Aral Munai business area
Map 2.39.1. KOR operations area
Map 2.40.1. Kor-Tazh business area
Map 2.41.1. KoZhaN LLP operations area
Map 2.42.1. KAM business activity
Map 2.43.1. Kurmangazy field in Caspian Sea
Map 2.44.1. Liman Block area
Map 2.45.1. Maersk Saigak oil field area
Map 2.45.2. Maersk Dunga field area
Map 2.46.1. Maksat Munai business area
Map 2.47.1. Mangistaumunaigas main fields
Map 2.48.1. Matin field
Map 2.49.1. Tamdykol and Kemerkol fields
Map 2.50.1. The Pearls block in North Caspian Sea
Map 2.51.1. Petrokazakhstan operations area and fully owned fields
Map 2.52.1. Zhambai field
Map 2.53.1. Sagiz Petroleum business area
Map 2.54.1. Sazankurak field
Map 2.55.1. Sevkazgra operations area
Map 2.56.1. Shakharmunaigaz Kultuk field
Map 2.57.1. Taraz LLP business area
Map 2.58.1. Tasbulat Oil Corporation and Kom-munai operations area
Map 2.58.2. Oztiurk Munai operations area
Map 2.59.1. Tenge field
Map 2.60.1. Tengiz field
Map 2.61.1. Turan Enerpetroleum business area
Map 2.62.1. Turgai Petroleum business area
Map 2.63.1. Tyub-Karagan area
Map 2.64.1. Ural Oil and Gas business area
Map 2.65.1. Zhaikmunai business area
Map 2.66.1. Zhalgiztobemunai operations area
Map 2.67.1. Zhambyl Block Consortium area
Map 1.2.1. Kazakhstan oil export routes
Map 1.2.3. Gas Export Routes From Kazakhstan to China
Map 2.1.1. ADA field block
Map 2.2.1. Adai Petroleum Company activity
Map 2.3.1. Agip KCO North Caspian Operating Company N.V. area of operations
Map 2.4.1. CNPC-Ai Dan Munai JSC ( CNDOC) activity
Map 2.5.1. Aksai LLP business activity
Map 2.6.1. CNPC-Aktobemunaigas business area
Map 2.7.1. Altius Energy Corporation business activity
Map 2.8.1. Amangeldy Gas business area
Map 2.9.1. American International Petroleum operations zone
Map 2.10.1. ANACO business area
Map 2.11.1. Aral Petroleum business area
Map 2.12.1. Arman business area
Map 2.13.1. Arna Oil business area
Map 2.14.1. Atash LLP business area
Map 2.15.1. Atyraumunai business area
Map 2.17.1. Kyzyloi and Akkulka area of operatins
Map 2.17.2. Kul-Bas area of operations
Map 2.18.1. Buzachi Operating area
Map 2.19.1. Caspi Neft operating area
Map 2.20.1. Caspian Gas corporation business area
Map 2.21.1. Caspioilgas area
Map 2.23.1. Emir Oil business area
Map 2.24.1. Gyural operations area
Map 2.25.1 Karachaganak Petroleum Operating business area
Map 2.26.1. Karakudukmunai business area
Map 2.27.1. Karazhanbasmunai business area
Map 2.28.1. Kazakhoil - Aktobe operations area
Map 2.29.1. Kazakhturkmunai operations in Aktyubinsk region
Map 2.30.1. Max Petroleum business area in Atyrau region
Map 2.31.1. Kazgermunai business area
Map 2.32.1. Uzenmunaigas business area
Map 2.32.2. Embamunaigas main fields
Map 2.33.1. Kazmunai Teniz main business area
Map 2.34.1. Kazneftechim-Kopa business area
Map 2.35.1. Kazpolmunai and Tolkynneftegaz operations area
Map 2.36.1. Ken- Sary business operations area
Map 2.37.1. KKM Operating Company business area
Map 2.38.1. Kok-Aral Munai business area
Map 2.39.1. KOR operations area
Map 2.40.1. Kor-Tazh business area
Map 2.41.1. KoZhaN LLP operations area
Map 2.42.1. KAM business activity
Map 2.43.1. Kurmangazy field in Caspian Sea
Map 2.44.1. Liman Block area
Map 2.45.1. Maersk Saigak oil field area
Map 2.45.2. Maersk Dunga field area
Map 2.46.1. Maksat Munai business area
Map 2.47.1. Mangistaumunaigas main fields
Map 2.48.1. Matin field
Map 2.49.1. Tamdykol and Kemerkol fields
Map 2.50.1. The Pearls block in North Caspian Sea
Map 2.51.1. Petrokazakhstan operations area and fully owned fields
Map 2.52.1. Zhambai field
Map 2.53.1. Sagiz Petroleum business area
Map 2.54.1. Sazankurak field
Map 2.55.1. Sevkazgra operations area
Map 2.56.1. Shakharmunaigaz Kultuk field
Map 2.57.1. Taraz LLP business area
Map 2.58.1. Tasbulat Oil Corporation and Kom-munai operations area
Map 2.58.2. Oztiurk Munai operations area
Map 2.59.1. Tenge field
Map 2.60.1. Tengiz field
Map 2.61.1. Turan Enerpetroleum business area
Map 2.62.1. Turgai Petroleum business area
Map 2.63.1. Tyub-Karagan area
Map 2.64.1. Ural Oil and Gas business area
Map 2.65.1. Zhaikmunai business area
Map 2.66.1. Zhalgiztobemunai operations area
Map 2.67.1. Zhambyl Block Consortium area
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