Более 20 лет RPI выпускает аналитические отчеты, охватывающие все сегменты нефтегазовой отрасли стран СНГ, Центральной и Восточной Европы.
Наша задача – достичь результата, при котором клиент получит необходимые знания и информацию, которые сможет использовать для развития бизнеса. Наш метод работы основан на сочетании отраслевой аналитической экспертизы с пониманием бизнес-процессов и задач клиента.
Наша задача – достичь результата, при котором клиент получит необходимые знания и информацию, которые сможет использовать для развития бизнеса. Наш метод работы основан на сочетании отраслевой аналитической экспертизы с пониманием бизнес-процессов и задач клиента.
Природный газ продолжает оставаться ключевым источником энергии для стран Европейского Союза и основная часть поставок газа по-прежнему приходится на Россию. Поэтому приоритетным для ЕС на ближайшие годы является решение вопроса энергетической безопасности в целом, и диверсификации экспортных газовых потоков в частности.
В среднесрочной и долгосрочной перспективе именно Юго-Восточная Европа (ЮВЕ) должна стать ключевым регионом транзита природного газа из стран Ближнего Востока, Средней Азии и Каспия в Европу.
Предполагается, что борьба за транзит природного газа через территорию Юго-Восточной Европы, сталкивающая интересы экономических и политических сил от Италии до Ирана и от Австрии до Египта, будет напряженной.
«Природный газ юго-восточной Европы: новые возможности поставок и транзита» рассматривает:
консультационных компаний
государственных учреждений
В среднесрочной и долгосрочной перспективе именно Юго-Восточная Европа (ЮВЕ) должна стать ключевым регионом транзита природного газа из стран Ближнего Востока, Средней Азии и Каспия в Европу.
Предполагается, что борьба за транзит природного газа через территорию Юго-Восточной Европы, сталкивающая интересы экономических и политических сил от Италии до Ирана и от Австрии до Египта, будет напряженной.
«Природный газ юго-восточной Европы: новые возможности поставок и транзита» рассматривает:
- современное состояние потребления газа в ЮВЕ
- перспективы экспорта газа в регион; основные газотранспортные проекты (запланированные и в стадии строительства)
- ход работ по проекту Набукко - катализатору основных тенденций и изменений на рынке природного газа ЮВЕ
- планы Газпрома по сохранению собственной монополии на рынке ЮВЕ
- перспективы Турции, как посредника между поставщиками газа и его потребителями в Европе
- конкуренцию между газотранспортными проектами (кроме проекта Набукко и планов Газпрома)
- газодобывающих компаний
- газотранспортных компаний, дистрибуторов, трейдеров
- энергетических компаний
- сервисных компаний и производителей оборудования
консультационных компаний
государственных учреждений
Chapter 1. Current State of the South East European Gas Market
1.1. Gas Consumption in South Eastern Europe
1.2. Gas Supply in SEE Countries
1.3. Dependence of the SEE Region on Natural Gas Supplies from Russia
Chapter 2. The Concept of Gas Export Channel to Europe: Special Role in Ensuring European Energy Security
2.1. Institutional Base for Additional Gas Export Channel
2.2. Main Reasons for Developing New Transport Route
Chapter 3. Liberalization Processes and European Integration in SEE's Natural Gas Sector
3.1. Energy Community South East Europe
3.2. The Secretariat of the Energy Community South East Europe
3.3. Current Status of Cooperation between the EU and SEE Countries
3.4. West European Companies in SEE
Chapter 4. New Major Gas Supply Projects in SEE
4.1. The South Caucasus Gas Pipeline
4.2. Interconnector Turkey - Greece
4.3. Pan Arabian Gas Pipeline
4.4. Nabucco
4.5. Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline
4.6. Adria LNG
4.7. Blue Stream 2
Chapter 5. The Growing Impact of Turkey on the Gas Market of SEE
5.1. Gas Imports in Turkey
5.2. Forecasting Errors and the Re-export Idea
5.3. Natural Gas Law of 2001 and Contracts Redistribution Policy
5.4. Turkey's Natural Gas Market Development
5.5. Turkey as Perceived by Partner Countries
Chapter 6. The Nabucco project. A Catalyst and Major Trend-setter in SEE
6.1. Current Status
6.2. Current Challenges Facing the Project
6.3. Strategic Plans and Expectations of Participating Companies
6.4. Sources of Gas Supply for the Nabucco Project
6.5. Nabucco SWOT Analysis
6.6. Project's Impact on the Competitive Environment
6.7. Gazprom's Attempts to Recapture Initiative
Chapter 1. Current State of the South East European Gas Market
1.1. Gas Consumption in South Eastern Europe
1.2. Gas Supply in SEE Countries
1.3. Dependence of the SEE Region on Natural Gas Supplies from Russia
Chapter 2. The Concept of Gas Export Channel to Europe: Special Role in Ensuring European Energy Security
2.1. Institutional Base for Additional Gas Export Channel
2.2. Main Reasons for Developing New Transport Route
Chapter 3. Liberalization Processes and European Integration in SEE's Natural Gas Sector
3.1. Energy Community South East Europe
3.2. The Secretariat of the Energy Community South East Europe
3.3. Current Status of Cooperation between the EU and SEE Countries
3.4. West European Companies in SEE
Chapter 4. New Major Gas Supply Projects in SEE
4.1. The South Caucasus Gas Pipeline
4.2. Interconnector Turkey - Greece
4.3. Pan Arabian Gas Pipeline
4.4. Nabucco
4.5. Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline
4.6. Adria LNG
4.7. Blue Stream 2
Chapter 5. The Growing Impact of Turkey on the Gas Market of SEE
5.1. Gas Imports in Turkey
5.2. Forecasting Errors and the Re-export Idea
5.3. Natural Gas Law of 2001 and Contracts Redistribution Policy
5.4. Turkey's Natural Gas Market Development
5.5. Turkey as Perceived by Partner Countries
Chapter 6. The Nabucco project. A Catalyst and Major Trend-setter in SEE
6.1. Current Status
6.2. Current Challenges Facing the Project
6.3. Strategic Plans and Expectations of Participating Companies
6.4. Sources of Gas Supply for the Nabucco Project
6.5. Nabucco SWOT Analysis
6.6. Project's Impact on the Competitive Environment
6.7. Gazprom's Attempts to Recapture Initiative
Figure 1. Natural gas consumption in SEE in 1990-2005 (bcm)
Figure 2. Natural gas consumption in SEE by sector (%)
Figure 3. Potential Demand for Natural Gas from Electric Power Utilities Through 2020 (bcm)
Figure 4. Gas Production in Bulgaria from 2000 through 2005 (bcm)
Figure 5. Gazprom Deliveries to Bulgaria in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 6. Gas Production in Croatia in 2000- 2005 (bcm)
Figure 7. Gazprom Deliveries to Croatia in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 8. Gas Production in Hungary in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 9. Gas Import of Hungary in 2005. Total 12.4 bcm
Figure 10. Gas Production in Romania in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 11. Gas Imports of Romania in 2005 (%). Total 6.25 bcm
Figure 12. Slovenian Natural Gas Imports in 2005 (%). Total 1.1 bcm
Figure 13. Gas Deliveries to Greece in 2005 (%). Total 2.86 bcm
Figure 14. Gas Deliveries to Turkey in 2005 (%)
Figure 15. Gazprom Gas Deliveries to Serbia and Montenegro in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 16. Adria LNG Project Participants' Shares (%)
Figure 17. Natural Gas Consumption in Turkey by Segment in 2005 (%)
Figure 18. Natural Gas Consumption Growth in Turkey: Botas's Forecast for 2005 (bcm)
Figure 19. Overestimated and Current Gas Demand vs. Gas Contracted by Turkey in 2005-2020 (bcm)
Figure 20. Nabucco Company Structure 2006
Figure 21. Natural Gas Sales Planned for the Nabucco Pipeline in 2011-2020 (bcm)
Figure 22. OMV Gas Business Ownership
Figure 23. OMV's Mid-Term Strategic Objectives
Figure 24. Natural Gas Reserves of Countries that are Potential Suppliers for the Nabucco Project (tcm), 2006
Figure 25. Key Parameters of Pipeline Capacity and Projected Natural Gas Sales in 2011-2030 (bcm)
Figure 26. The Shakh Deniz Project Participants (%)
Figure 27. Maximum Deliveries via the Nabucco Project through 2020 (bcm)
Figure 2. Natural gas consumption in SEE by sector (%)
Figure 3. Potential Demand for Natural Gas from Electric Power Utilities Through 2020 (bcm)
Figure 4. Gas Production in Bulgaria from 2000 through 2005 (bcm)
Figure 5. Gazprom Deliveries to Bulgaria in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 6. Gas Production in Croatia in 2000- 2005 (bcm)
Figure 7. Gazprom Deliveries to Croatia in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 8. Gas Production in Hungary in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 9. Gas Import of Hungary in 2005. Total 12.4 bcm
Figure 10. Gas Production in Romania in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 11. Gas Imports of Romania in 2005 (%). Total 6.25 bcm
Figure 12. Slovenian Natural Gas Imports in 2005 (%). Total 1.1 bcm
Figure 13. Gas Deliveries to Greece in 2005 (%). Total 2.86 bcm
Figure 14. Gas Deliveries to Turkey in 2005 (%)
Figure 15. Gazprom Gas Deliveries to Serbia and Montenegro in 2000-2005 (bcm)
Figure 16. Adria LNG Project Participants' Shares (%)
Figure 17. Natural Gas Consumption in Turkey by Segment in 2005 (%)
Figure 18. Natural Gas Consumption Growth in Turkey: Botas's Forecast for 2005 (bcm)
Figure 19. Overestimated and Current Gas Demand vs. Gas Contracted by Turkey in 2005-2020 (bcm)
Figure 20. Nabucco Company Structure 2006
Figure 21. Natural Gas Sales Planned for the Nabucco Pipeline in 2011-2020 (bcm)
Figure 22. OMV Gas Business Ownership
Figure 23. OMV's Mid-Term Strategic Objectives
Figure 24. Natural Gas Reserves of Countries that are Potential Suppliers for the Nabucco Project (tcm), 2006
Figure 25. Key Parameters of Pipeline Capacity and Projected Natural Gas Sales in 2011-2030 (bcm)
Figure 26. The Shakh Deniz Project Participants (%)
Figure 27. Maximum Deliveries via the Nabucco Project through 2020 (bcm)
Table 1. Parameters of SEE Regional Development
Table 2. Projections for Gas Consumption in South East Europe in 2006-2020 (bcm)
Table 3. Gazprom's Supplies and their Share in Consumption and Imports, 2005
Table 4. Gazprom's Affiliated Companies in SEE
Table 5. Major International Gas Transportation Projects in SEE
Table 6. Turkey's Natural Gas Import Agreements
Table 7. Natural Gas Consumption Forecast by Sector according to Botas' Forecast Made in 2000 (bcm)
Table 8. Assessment of Results of 2005 Tender for Russian Contract
Table 9. Incremental Demand for Natural Gas in Countries Participating in the Nabucco Project (bcm)
Table 10. Estimate of Additional Gas Demand in Countries Participating in the Nabucco Project (bcm)
Table 11. SWOT Analysis of the Nabucco Project
Table 2. Projections for Gas Consumption in South East Europe in 2006-2020 (bcm)
Table 3. Gazprom's Supplies and their Share in Consumption and Imports, 2005
Table 4. Gazprom's Affiliated Companies in SEE
Table 5. Major International Gas Transportation Projects in SEE
Table 6. Turkey's Natural Gas Import Agreements
Table 7. Natural Gas Consumption Forecast by Sector according to Botas' Forecast Made in 2000 (bcm)
Table 8. Assessment of Results of 2005 Tender for Russian Contract
Table 9. Incremental Demand for Natural Gas in Countries Participating in the Nabucco Project (bcm)
Table 10. Estimate of Additional Gas Demand in Countries Participating in the Nabucco Project (bcm)
Table 11. SWOT Analysis of the Nabucco Project
Map 1. The Countries of South Eastern Europe
Map 2. Share of Natural Gas in Total Primary Energy Consumption by Country in 2005
Map 3. Blue Stream Gas Pipeline
Map 4. Proposed Burgas-Vlore Corridor 8 Gas Transportation Route
Map 5. The South Caucasus Gas Pipeline
Map 6. Interconnector Turkey - Greece
Map 7. The Pan Arabian Gas Pipeline
Map 8. Possible Route of Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline
Map 9. Adria LNG Terminal and Gas Distribution Routes
Map 10. Gas Import Routes to Turkey and Maximally Possible Delivery Volumes
Map 11. The Nabucco Gas Pipeline Route
Map 2. Share of Natural Gas in Total Primary Energy Consumption by Country in 2005
Map 3. Blue Stream Gas Pipeline
Map 4. Proposed Burgas-Vlore Corridor 8 Gas Transportation Route
Map 5. The South Caucasus Gas Pipeline
Map 6. Interconnector Turkey - Greece
Map 7. The Pan Arabian Gas Pipeline
Map 8. Possible Route of Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline
Map 9. Adria LNG Terminal and Gas Distribution Routes
Map 10. Gas Import Routes to Turkey and Maximally Possible Delivery Volumes
Map 11. The Nabucco Gas Pipeline Route
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