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Наша задача – достичь результата, при котором клиент получит необходимые знания и информацию, которые сможет использовать для развития бизнеса. Наш метод работы основан на сочетании отраслевой аналитической экспертизы с пониманием бизнес-процессов и задач клиента.
Исследование «Перспективы добычи углеводородов на шельфе Каспия» дает детальный анализ современного состояния и перспектив освоения и разработки углеводородов на шельфе прикаспийские государств, включая:
- климатические условия и географические особенности
- углеводородный потенциал
- действующие и перспективные проекты по разведке и добыче
- рынок сервисных услуг
- экспортные возможности и маршруты
- законодательную базу
- нефтегазовых компаний-операторов
- поставщиков оборудования и сервисных услуг
- транспортных компаний
- финансовых институтов и трейдеров
Executive Summary
The Role and Significance of the Caspian Sea Continental Shelf as Part of the World’s Continental Shelf
Chapter 1. General Information
1.1 Geography, Natural and Climatic Conditions of the Caspian Sea Shelf
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
1.2 Problems of Delimitation of the Caspian Sea Shelf into National Sectors
1.3 Legislative Regulation of Shelf Subsoil Usage
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
Chapter 2. Hydrocarbon Resource Base
2.1 Geological Zoning and the Status of Data Available on the Shelf of Caspian Sea
Oil and Gas Provinces
Oil- and Gas-bearing Basins and Regions
Extent of Geological Knowledge of the Caspian Basin
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
2.2 Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources of the Caspian Sea
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
Chapter 3. Production, Exports, Offshore Projects
3.1 Exploration and Production Projects (Current and Projected)
Russian Sector
Northern Block
Tsentralny Block
Yalamo-Samursky Block
North Caspian Block
Inchkhe-more Field
Derbentsky and Dimitrovsky Blocks
Izberbashsky and Sulaksky Blocks
Lagansky Block
Kazakhstan Sector
North Caspian Project
Zhambai South and South Zaburunye
Azerbaijan Sector
Azeri-Chyrag-Gyuneshli (AChG)
Shakh Deniz
Turkmenistan Sector
Cheleken Project
Project Block-1
Project Unified Offshore Blocks 11-12
Iranian Sector
3.2 Production and Exports
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
Chapter 4. Caspian Market for Offshore Drilling Rigs and Production Platforms
Drilling Rigs
Production Platforms
4.1 Current Status of Offshore Drilling Rigs and Production Platforms. Demand for Drilling Rigs and Production Platforms
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sestor
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
Chapter 5. Export Routes from the Caspian Region
5.1 Existing Export Infrastructure and Current Export Routes
Russian Sector
Existing Pipelines
Oil Terminals
Rail Transportation
Kazakhstan Sector
Existing Pipelines
Oil Terminals
Tanker Shipments
Azerbaijan Sector
Existing Pipelines
Turkmenistan Sector
Oil Terminals
Iranian Sector
5.2 Prospective Export Routes
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
CPC Pipeline
Atyrau-Samara Pipeline
China-bound Pipeline
Kazakh-Turkmen-Iranian (KTI) Pipeline Project
Trans-Caspian Pipeline
Tanker Transportation
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC)
Central Asia-Center Pipeline
Azerbaijan Sector
South Caucasus Gas Pipeline
Turkmenistan Sector
Kazakh-Turkmen-Iranian (KTI) Oil Pipeline
Trans-Caspian Oil Pipeline
Iranian Sector
Appendix 1. Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources
1.1 Actual Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources
1.2 New Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources
Categories of Reserves and Resources of Hydrocarbons under the Existing Russian Classification
Appendix 2. Content of Hydrocarbons in the Bitumen of Sedimentary Rocks
Appendix 3. Geological Zoning in the Caspian Sea
The Role and Significance of the Caspian Sea Continental Shelf as Part of the World’s Continental Shelf
Chapter 1. General Information
1.1 Geography, Natural and Climatic Conditions of the Caspian Sea Shelf
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
1.2 Problems of Delimitation of the Caspian Sea Shelf into National Sectors
1.3 Legislative Regulation of Shelf Subsoil Usage
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
Chapter 2. Hydrocarbon Resource Base
2.1 Geological Zoning and the Status of Data Available on the Shelf of Caspian Sea
Oil and Gas Provinces
Oil- and Gas-bearing Basins and Regions
Extent of Geological Knowledge of the Caspian Basin
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
2.2 Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources of the Caspian Sea
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
Chapter 3. Production, Exports, Offshore Projects
3.1 Exploration and Production Projects (Current and Projected)
Russian Sector
Northern Block
Tsentralny Block
Yalamo-Samursky Block
North Caspian Block
Inchkhe-more Field
Derbentsky and Dimitrovsky Blocks
Izberbashsky and Sulaksky Blocks
Lagansky Block
Kazakhstan Sector
North Caspian Project
Zhambai South and South Zaburunye
Azerbaijan Sector
Azeri-Chyrag-Gyuneshli (AChG)
Shakh Deniz
Turkmenistan Sector
Cheleken Project
Project Block-1
Project Unified Offshore Blocks 11-12
Iranian Sector
3.2 Production and Exports
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
Chapter 4. Caspian Market for Offshore Drilling Rigs and Production Platforms
Drilling Rigs
Production Platforms
4.1 Current Status of Offshore Drilling Rigs and Production Platforms. Demand for Drilling Rigs and Production Platforms
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sestor
Azerbaijan Sector
Turkmenistan Sector
Iranian Sector
Chapter 5. Export Routes from the Caspian Region
5.1 Existing Export Infrastructure and Current Export Routes
Russian Sector
Existing Pipelines
Oil Terminals
Rail Transportation
Kazakhstan Sector
Existing Pipelines
Oil Terminals
Tanker Shipments
Azerbaijan Sector
Existing Pipelines
Turkmenistan Sector
Oil Terminals
Iranian Sector
5.2 Prospective Export Routes
Russian Sector
Kazakhstan Sector
CPC Pipeline
Atyrau-Samara Pipeline
China-bound Pipeline
Kazakh-Turkmen-Iranian (KTI) Pipeline Project
Trans-Caspian Pipeline
Tanker Transportation
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC)
Central Asia-Center Pipeline
Azerbaijan Sector
South Caucasus Gas Pipeline
Turkmenistan Sector
Kazakh-Turkmen-Iranian (KTI) Oil Pipeline
Trans-Caspian Oil Pipeline
Iranian Sector
Appendix 1. Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources
1.1 Actual Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources
1.2 New Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources
Categories of Reserves and Resources of Hydrocarbons under the Existing Russian Classification
Appendix 2. Content of Hydrocarbons in the Bitumen of Sedimentary Rocks
Appendix 3. Geological Zoning in the Caspian Sea
Figure 1.1. Characterization of the Caspian Sea and its Shelf by National Sector
Figure 1.2. Oil Project Taxation Models in Kazakhstan
Figure 2.1. Geophysical Characteristics of Some Oil-and-Gas Prospects in the Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector
Figure 2.2. Data on Major Fields and Prospects of the Turkmenistan’s Caspian Sector
Figure 2.3. Geological Data Available on Iranian Caspian Shelf as of January 1, 2005
Figure 2.4. Hydrocarbon Resources of the Caspian Sea (by regions), billion tones of reference fuel
Figure 2.4.1. Hydrocarbon Potential of the Caspian Sea by National Sector
Figure 2.5. Hydrocarbon Resources and Reserves in the Russian Offshore Caspian Sector
Figure 2.5.1. Recoverable Reserves of Major Fields in the Russian Caspian Sector
Figure 2.6. Geological Hydrocarbon Reserves of the Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector
Figure 2.6.1. Oil Reserves of Known Discoveries of the Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector, million tons
Figure 2.7. Hydrocarbon Reserves of the Azerbaijan’s Caspian Sector as a Whole and by Major Field Figure 2.8. Hydrocarbon Reserves of the Turkmenistan’s Caspian Sector
Figure 3.1. E&P projects in Azerbaijan
Figure 3.1.1. Oil Production at Cheleken-2 Block, thous. tons
Figure 3.1.2. Investment in Cheleken Project, $ million
Figure 3.1.3. Petronas Investment in Block-1 Project, $ million
Figure 3.2.1. Forecast Production and Exports of Hydrocarbons by the Caspian Region Countries
Figure 3.2.2. Forecast of Oil and Gas Production in the Russian Sector of the Caspian Sea
Figure 3.2.3. Forecast of Oil and Gas Production in the Kazakhstan Sector of the Caspian Sea
Figure 3.2.4. Planned Production of Oil and Gas Agip KCO, million tons per year
Figure 3.2.5. Azerbaijan Plans for Oil and Gas production from Offshore Fields of the Caspian Sea
Figure 3.2.6. Planned Oil Production in Turkmenistan, million tons
Figure 3.2.7. Forecast of Oil Production from Offshore Fields in Iran Sector of the Caspian Sea, million tons
Figure 4.1. Russian Offshore Drilling and Production Fleet
Figure 4.2. Russian Offshore Productions Concepts
Figure 4.3. Assessment of Demand for Production Platforms under Potential Offshore Projects in Russia through 2020
Figure 4.4. Azerbaijan’s Drilling Fleet (legacy of the USSR)
Figure 4.5. Technical Specifications of Submersible rigs (PPBU) and Jack-up Rigs (SPBU)
Figure 4.6. Technical Specifications of the Dede Gorgud and Istiglal Semisubmersibles
Figure 1.1. Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves/Resources
Figure 1.2. New Reserve and Resource Classifications
Figure 2.1. Content of Hydrocarbons in the Bitumen of Sedimentary Rocks
Figure 3.1. Geological Zoning in the Caspian Sea
Figure 1.2. Oil Project Taxation Models in Kazakhstan
Figure 2.1. Geophysical Characteristics of Some Oil-and-Gas Prospects in the Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector
Figure 2.2. Data on Major Fields and Prospects of the Turkmenistan’s Caspian Sector
Figure 2.3. Geological Data Available on Iranian Caspian Shelf as of January 1, 2005
Figure 2.4. Hydrocarbon Resources of the Caspian Sea (by regions), billion tones of reference fuel
Figure 2.4.1. Hydrocarbon Potential of the Caspian Sea by National Sector
Figure 2.5. Hydrocarbon Resources and Reserves in the Russian Offshore Caspian Sector
Figure 2.5.1. Recoverable Reserves of Major Fields in the Russian Caspian Sector
Figure 2.6. Geological Hydrocarbon Reserves of the Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector
Figure 2.6.1. Oil Reserves of Known Discoveries of the Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector, million tons
Figure 2.7. Hydrocarbon Reserves of the Azerbaijan’s Caspian Sector as a Whole and by Major Field Figure 2.8. Hydrocarbon Reserves of the Turkmenistan’s Caspian Sector
Figure 3.1. E&P projects in Azerbaijan
Figure 3.1.1. Oil Production at Cheleken-2 Block, thous. tons
Figure 3.1.2. Investment in Cheleken Project, $ million
Figure 3.1.3. Petronas Investment in Block-1 Project, $ million
Figure 3.2.1. Forecast Production and Exports of Hydrocarbons by the Caspian Region Countries
Figure 3.2.2. Forecast of Oil and Gas Production in the Russian Sector of the Caspian Sea
Figure 3.2.3. Forecast of Oil and Gas Production in the Kazakhstan Sector of the Caspian Sea
Figure 3.2.4. Planned Production of Oil and Gas Agip KCO, million tons per year
Figure 3.2.5. Azerbaijan Plans for Oil and Gas production from Offshore Fields of the Caspian Sea
Figure 3.2.6. Planned Oil Production in Turkmenistan, million tons
Figure 3.2.7. Forecast of Oil Production from Offshore Fields in Iran Sector of the Caspian Sea, million tons
Figure 4.1. Russian Offshore Drilling and Production Fleet
Figure 4.2. Russian Offshore Productions Concepts
Figure 4.3. Assessment of Demand for Production Platforms under Potential Offshore Projects in Russia through 2020
Figure 4.4. Azerbaijan’s Drilling Fleet (legacy of the USSR)
Figure 4.5. Technical Specifications of Submersible rigs (PPBU) and Jack-up Rigs (SPBU)
Figure 4.6. Technical Specifications of the Dede Gorgud and Istiglal Semisubmersibles
Figure 1.1. Comparative Classification of Hydrocarbon Reserves/Resources
Figure 1.2. New Reserve and Resource Classifications
Figure 2.1. Content of Hydrocarbons in the Bitumen of Sedimentary Rocks
Figure 3.1. Geological Zoning in the Caspian Sea
Map 1.1. Caspian Sea and National Sectors
Map 2.1. Caspian Offshore Oil-and-Gas Provinces and Regions
Map 2.2. Principal Fields and Prospects of the Caspian Sea
Map 2.3. Key fields and Prospects of the Russian Caspian Sector
Map 2.4. Key fields and Prospects of the Kazakhstan Caspian Sector
Map 2.5. Key fields and Prospects of the Azerbaijan Caspian Sector
Map 2.6. Key fields and Prospects of the Turkmenistan Caspian Sector
Map 2.7. Allocation of Geological Hydrocarbon Resources by Regions of Caspian Sea
Map 3.1. E&P Projects in Russian Caspian Sector
Map 3.2. E&P Projects in Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector
Map 3.3. E&P Projects in Turkmenistan’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.1. Current Export Routes from the Russian Caspian Sector
Map 5.2. Current Export Routes from the Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.3. Current Export Routes from the Azerbaijan’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.4. Current Export Routes from the Turkmenistan’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.5. Current Oil Infrastructure of Iran’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.6. Planned Export Oil Pipelines from Caspian Region
Map 5.7. Potential Gas Export Routes
Map 2.1. Caspian Offshore Oil-and-Gas Provinces and Regions
Map 2.2. Principal Fields and Prospects of the Caspian Sea
Map 2.3. Key fields and Prospects of the Russian Caspian Sector
Map 2.4. Key fields and Prospects of the Kazakhstan Caspian Sector
Map 2.5. Key fields and Prospects of the Azerbaijan Caspian Sector
Map 2.6. Key fields and Prospects of the Turkmenistan Caspian Sector
Map 2.7. Allocation of Geological Hydrocarbon Resources by Regions of Caspian Sea
Map 3.1. E&P Projects in Russian Caspian Sector
Map 3.2. E&P Projects in Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector
Map 3.3. E&P Projects in Turkmenistan’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.1. Current Export Routes from the Russian Caspian Sector
Map 5.2. Current Export Routes from the Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.3. Current Export Routes from the Azerbaijan’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.4. Current Export Routes from the Turkmenistan’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.5. Current Oil Infrastructure of Iran’s Caspian Sector
Map 5.6. Planned Export Oil Pipelines from Caspian Region
Map 5.7. Potential Gas Export Routes
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