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Нефтегазовый статистический ежегодник (Россия и СНГ) 2006
Нефтегазовый статистический ежегодник (Россия и СНГ) 2006
Дата выхода: Май 2006
Язык: английский
Объем: 235 страниц
Формат: PDF защита от печати
Цена: € 600
«Нефтегазовый статистический ежегодник (Россия и СНГ) 2006» - это сборник детализированных статистических данных на конец 2005 по деятельности основных нефтегазовых компаний России и стран бывшего Советского Союза.
В сборник включены таблицы, карты и диаграммы по разработке и добыче углеводородов; бурению; фонду скважин; транспортировке/экспорту нефти, газа и нефтепродуктов в период с 1995 по 2005 включительно.
Рассматриваемые страны:
  • Россия
  • Азербайджан
  • Казахстан
  • Туркменистан
Рассматриваемые компании:
  • Башнефть
  • Газпром
  • КазМунайГаз
  • Роснефть
  • Русснефть
  • Сибнефть
  • Славнефть
  • Сургутнефтегаз
  • Татнефть
  • ТНК-ВР
  • ЮКОС
Статистические данные на уровне компаний:
  • добыча нефти и газа
  • разведочное и эксплуатационное бурение
  • фонд скважин (эксплуатационные, бездействующие, новые)
  • переработка (разбивка по нефтепродуктам)
  • экспорт (разбивка по производителю, экспортеру, маршруту)
«Нефтегазовый статистический ежегодник (Россия и СНГ) 2006» также включает в себя информацию по основным экспортным маршрутам, странам:
  • Венгрия
  • Германия
  • Литва
  • Польша
  • Словакия
  • Словения
  • Чехия
и портам:
  • Бутинге
  • Гданьск
  • Новороссийск
  • Одесса
  • Приморск
  • Туапсе
  • Южный
1. FSU Oil and Gas Overview
1.1. Oil and Gas Production
1.2. Outlook for Oil Production and Exports

2. Russia

2.1. Overview
2.2. Oil Production
2.3. Oil Exports to CIS
2.4. Transit of Oil from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan through Russia
2.5. Oil Exports outside CIS
2.6. Gas Production
2.7. Gas Exports
2.8. Drilling and Wells Count
2.9. Refining and Exports of Oil Products

3. Profiles of Russian Major Oil and Gas Companies

3.1. Bashneft
3.3. Rosneft
3.4. Russneft
3.5. Sibneft
3.6. Slavneft
3.7. Surgutneftegaz
3.8. Tatneft
3.9. TNK-BP
3.10. YUKOS
3.11. Gazprom

4. Azerbaijan

4.1. Overview
4.2. Oil Production
4.3. Gas Production
4.4. Oil Refining and Gas Processing
4.5. Production of Oil Products
4.6. AIOC Oil and Gas Production

5. Kazakhstan

5.1. Overview
5.2. Oil Production
5.3. Oil Exports
5.4. Oil Refining
5.5. Gas Production
5.6. KazMunaiGaz Oil and Gas Production

6. Turkmenistan

6.1. Overview
6.2. Oil Production
6.3. Oil Exports
6.4. Oil Refining and Exports of Oil Products
6.5. Gas Production
6.6. Gas Exports
Figure 1.1.1. FSU oil production in 1995-2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 1.1.2. FSU gas production in 1995-2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 1.1.3. FSU share in world oil reserves
Figure 1.1.4. FSU share in world gas reserves
Figure 1.1.5. FSU share in world oil production
Figure 1.1.6. FSU share in world gas production
Figure 1.1.7. FSU share in world oil supply and demand, 2000-2005
Figure 1.2.1. Russia's planned oil production and exports in 2010-2015 (millions of tons)
Figure 1.2.2. Azerbaijan's planned oil production and exports in 2010-2015 (millions of tons)
Figure 1.2.3. Kazakhstan's planned oil production and exports in 2010-2015 (millions of tons)
Figure 1.2.4. Turkmenistan's planned oil production and exports in 2010-2015 (millions of tons)
Figure 2.1.1. Russia's share in world oil reserves
Figure 2.1.2. Russia's share in world gas reserves
Figure 2.1.3. Russia's share in world oil production
Figure 2.1.4. Russia's share in world gas production
Figure 2.1.5. Russia's oil production in 1995-2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 2.1.6. Russia's gas production in 1995-2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 2.2.1. Russia's oil production in 2005 by month (thousands of tons)
Figure 2.2.2. Russia's oil production in 2005 by company type
Figure 2.3.1. Russia's oil exports to CIS in 2005 by month (thousands of tons)
Figure 2.3.2. Russia's oil exports to CIS in 2005 by destination
Figure 2.4.1. Transit of oil from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan through Russia in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 2.5.1. Russia's oil exports via the Transneft system in 1995-2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 2.5.2. Russia's oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 2.5.3. Russia's oil exports in 2005 by company type
Figure 2.5.4. Russa's oil exports in 2005 by destination
Figure 2.6.1. Russia's gas production in 2005
Figure 2.6.2. Russia's gas production in 2005 by month (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 2.7.1. Russia's gas exports in 1995-2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 2.7.2. Russia's gas exports in 2005 by market
Figure 2.7.3. Russia's gas exports in 2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 2.8.1. Production and exploration drilling in Russia in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 2.8.2. Russian oil companies wells count in 1996-2005 by type
Figure 2.9.1. Ranking of Russian refineries' capacities (millions of tons per year)
Figure 2.9.2. Russia's primary oil refining in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Figure 2.9.3. Russia's production of oil products in 2005 by month (thousands of tons)
Figure 2.9.4. Russia's oil products exports in 2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 3.1.1. Bashneft structure
Figure 3.1.2. Bashneft oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.1.3. Bashneft oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.1.4. Bashneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.1.5. Bashneft production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.1.6. Bashneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.1.7. Bashneft wells count
Figure 3.2.1. LUKOIL structure
Figure 3.2.2. LUKOIL oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.2.3. LUKOIL oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.2.4. LUKOIL oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.2.5. LUKOIL production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.2.6. LUKOIL production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.2.7. LUKOIL wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.3.1. Rosneft structure
Figure 3.3.2. Rosneft oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.3.3. Rosneft oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.3.4. Rosneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.3.5. Rosneft production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.3.6. Rosneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.3.7. Rosneft wells count in 2004-2004 by type (units)
Figure 3.3.8. Rosneft wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.4.1. Russneft structure
Figure 3.4.2. Russneft oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.4.3. Russneft oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.4.4. Russneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.4.5. Russneft production and exploration drilling in 2003-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.4.6. Russneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.4.7. Russneft wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.5.1. Sibneft structure
Figure 3.5.2. Sibneft oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.5.3. Sibneft oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.5.4. Sibneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.5.5. Sibneft production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.5.6. Sibneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.5.7. Sibneft wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.6.1. Slavneft structure
Figure 3.6.2. Slavneft oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.6.3. Slavneft oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.6.4. Slavneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.6.5. Slavneft production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.6.6. Slavneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.6.7. Slavneft wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.7.1. Surgutneftegaz structure
Figure 3.7.2. Surgutneftegaz oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.7.3. Surgutneftegaz oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.7.4. Surgutneftegaz oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.7.5. Surgutneftegaz production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.7.6. Surgutneftegaz production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.7.7. Surgutneftegaz wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.8.1. Tatneft structure
Figure 3.8.2. Tatneft oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.8.3. Tatneft oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.8.4. Tatneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.8.5. Tatneft production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.8.6. Tatneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.8.7. Tatneft wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.9.1. TNK-BP structure
Figure 3.9.2. TNK-BP oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.9.3. TNK-BP oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.9.4. TNK-BP oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.9.3. TNK-BP oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.9.5. TNK-BP production and exploration drilling in 2004-2005 (thousands of meters
Figure 3.9.6. TNK-BP production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.9.7. TNK-BP wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.9.9. TNK-BP production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.10.1. YUKOS structure
Figure 3.10.2. YUKOS oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.10.3. YUKOS oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.10.4. YUKOS oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.10.5. YUKOS production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.10.6. YUKOS production and exploration drilling in 2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.10.7. YUKOS wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Figure 3.11.1. Gaprom structure
Figure 3.11.2. Gazprom gas production in 1995-2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 3.11.3. Gazprom oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.11.4. Gazprom oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.11.5. Gazprom oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 3.11.6. Gazprom gas production and exploration drilling in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Figure 3.11.7. Gazprom wells completion in 1999-2004 (units)
Figure 4.1.1. Azerbaijan's share in world oil reserves
Figure 4.1.2. Azerbaijan's share in world gas reserves
Figure 4.1.3. Azerbaijan's share in world oil production
Figure 4.1.4. Azerbaijan's oil production in 1995-2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 4.1.5. Azerbaijan's gas production in 1995-2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 4.2.1. Azerbaijan's oil production in 2005 by quarter (thousands of tons)
Figure 4.2.2. Azerbaijan's oil production in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Figure 4.3.1. Azerbaijan's gas production in 2005 by quarter (millions of cubic meters)
Figure 4.3.2. Azerbaijan's gas production in 2005 by company (millions of cubic meters)
Figure 4.4.1. Azerbaijan's oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 4.4.2. Azerbaijan's gas processing in 2005 (millions of cubic meters)
Figure 4.5.1. Azerbaijan's production of oil products in 2005 by type (thousands of tons)
Figure 4.5.2. Azerbaijan's oil products' exports in 2005 by type (thousands of tons)
Figure 4.6.1. AIOC* oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 4.6.2. AIOC* gas production in 2005 (millions of cubic meters)
Figure 5.1.1. Kazakhstan's share in world oil reserves
Figure 5.1.2. Kazakhstan's share in world gas reserves
Figure 5.1.3. Kazakhstan's share in world oil production
Figure 5.1.4. Kazakhstan's oil production in 1995-2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 5.1.5. Kazakhstans' gas production in 1995-2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 5.2.1. Kazakhstan's oil production in 2005 by month (thousands of tons)
Figure 5.3.1. Kazakhstan's oil exports in 2005 by month (thousanes of tons)
Figure 5.3.2. Kazakhstan's oil exports in 2005 by route
Figure 5.4.1. Kazakhstan's oil refining in 2005 by month (thousands of tons)
Figure 5.4.2. Kazakhstan's oil products' exports in 2005
Figure 5.5.1. Kazakhstan's gas production in 2005 by month (thousands of cubic meters)
Figure 5.6.1 KazMunaiGaz structure and activities
Figure 5.6.2. KazMunaiGaz oil production in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 5.6.3. KasMunaiGaz oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 5.6.4. KazMuniaGaz oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Figure 5.6.5. KazMunaiGaz gas production in 2005 (millions of cubic meters)
Figure 6.1.1. Turkmenistan's share in world oil reserves
Figure 6.1.2. Turkmenistan's share in world gas reserves
Figure 6.1.3. Turkmenistan's share in world oil production
Figure 6.1.4. Turkmenistan's oil production in 1995-2005 (thousands of tons)
Figure 6.1.5. Turkmenistan's gas production in 1995-2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 6.2.1. Turkmenistan's oil production in 2005 by month (thousands of tons)
Figure 6.3.1. Turkmenistan's oil exports in 1996-2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 6.3.2. Turkmenistan's exports of hydrocarbons in 1995-2005
Figure 6.4.1. Turkmenistan's oil refining in 1995-2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 6.4.2. Turkmenistan's oil products exports in 1995-2005 (millions of tons)
Figure 6.5.1. Turkmenistan's gas production in 2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 6.6.1. Turkmenistan's gas exports in 1995-2005 (billions of cubic meters)
Figure 6.6.2. Turkmenistan's gas exports in 2005 by month (billions of cubic meters)
Table 2.2.1. Russia's oil production in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Table 2.3.1. Russia's oil exports to CIS countries in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 2.4.1. Transit of oil from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan through Russia in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 2.5.1. Russia's oil exports via the Transneft system in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Table 2.5.2. Russia's oil exports via the Transneft system in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Table 2.5.3. Russia's oil exports by railway via the Transneft system in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 2.5.4. Russia's oil exports by railway and sea in 2005 bypassing the Transneft system (thousands of tons)
Table 2.6.1. Russia's gas production in 2005 by company (millions of cubic meters)
Table 2.8.1. Production and exploration drilling of Russian major oil companies in 1995-2005 (thousands of meters)
Table 2.8.2. Production drilling in Russia in 2005 by company (thousands of meters)
Table 2.8.3. Exploration drilling in Russia in 2005 by company (thousands of meters)
Table 2.8.4. Russian oil companies new wells in 2005
Table 2.8.5. Russia's oil and gas companies wells count in 2005 (units)
Table 2.8.6. New wells brought onstream and drilling footage in 2005
Table 2.9.1. Russia's primary oil refining in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Table 2.9.2. Russia's production of oil products in 2005 by type (thousands of tons)
Table 2.9.3. Russia's production of oil products in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Table 3.1.1. Bashneft production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.1.2. Bashneft primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.2.1. LUKOIL oil production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.2.2. LUKOIL oil exports in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.2.3. LUKOIL oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Table 3.2.4. LUKOIL gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (millions of cubic meters)
Table 3.2.5. LUKOIL production and exploration drilling in 2001-2005 (thousands of meters)
Table 3.2.6. LUKOIL production and exploration drilling in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of meters)
Table 3.2.7. LUKOIL wells count in 2005 by subsidiary (units)
Table 3.2.8. LUKOIL wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Table 3.2.9. LUKOIL production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.2.10. LUKOIL primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.3.1. Rosneft oil production in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Table 3.3.2. Rosneft oil exports in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.3.3. Rosneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Table 3.3.4. Rosneft gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (millions of cubic meters)
Table 3.3.5. Rosneft production and exploration drilling in 2001-2005 (thousands of meters)
Table 3.3.6. Rosneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of meters)
Table 3.3.7. Rosneft wells count in 2005 by subsidiary (units)
Table 3.3.9. Rosneft production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.3.10. Rosneft primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.4.1. Russneft oil production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.4.2. Russneft oil exports in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.4.3. Russneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Table 3.4.4. Russneft gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (millions of cubic meters)
Table 3.4.5. Russneft production and exploration drilling in 2003-2005 (thousands of meters)
Table 3.4.6. Russneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of meters)
Table 3.4.7. Russneft wells count in 2005 by subsidiary (units)
Table 3.4.8. Russneft wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Table 3.4.9. Russneft production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.5.1. Sibneft oil production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.5.2. Sibneft oil exports in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.5.3. Sibneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Table 3.5.4. Sibneft gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (millions of cubic meters)
Table 3.5.5. Sibneft wells count in 2005 by subsidiary (units)
Table 3.5.6. Sibneft wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Table 3.5.7. Sibneft production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.6.1. Slavneft oil production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.6.2. Slavneft oil exports in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.6.3. Slavneft oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Table 3.6.4. Slavneft gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (millions of cubic meters)
Table 3.6.5. Slavneft production and exploration drilling in 2001-2005 (thousands of meters)
Table 3.6.6. Slavneft production and exploration drilling in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of meters)
Table 3.6.7. Slavneft wells count in 2005 by subsidiary (units)
Table 3.6.8. Slavneft wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Table 3.6.9. Slavneft production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.6.10. Slavneft primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.7.1. Surgutneftegaz production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.7.2. Surgutneftegaz primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.8.1. Tatneft production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.8.2. Tatneft primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.9.1. TNK-BP oil production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.9.2. TNK-BP oil exports in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.9.4. TNK-BP gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (millions of cubic meters)
Table 3.9.5. TNK-BP production and exploration drilling in 2004-2005 (tnousands of meters)
Table 3.9.6. TNK-BP production and exploration drilling in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of meters)
Table 3.9.7. TNK-BP wells count in 2005 by subsidiary (units)
Table 3.9.8. TNK-BP wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Table 3.9.10. TNK-BP primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.10.1. YUKOS oil production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.10.2. YUKOS oil exports in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.10.3. YUKOS oil exports in 2005 by destination (thousands of tons)
Table 3.10.4. YUKOS gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (millions of cubic meters)
Table 3.10.5. YUKOS production and exploration drilling in 2001-2005 (thousands of meters)
Table 3.10.6. YUKOS production and exploration drilling in 2005 by sudsidiary (thousands of meters)
Table 3.10.7. YUKOS wells count in 2005 by subsidiary (units)
Table 3.10.8. YUKOS wells count in 2004-2005 by type (units)
Table 3.10.9. YUKOS production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.10.10. YUKOS primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.11.1. Gazprom gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (millions of cubic meters)
Table 3.11.2. Gazprom oil production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 3.11.3. Gazprom production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 3.11.4. Gazprom primary oil refining in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 4.1.1. Azerbaijan's drilling and well stock in 2000-2005
Table 4.2.1. Azerbaijan's oil production in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Table 4.3.1. Azerbaijan's gas production in 2005 by company (thousands of cubic meters)
Table 5.2.1. Kazakhstan's well stock in 1999-2004
Table 5.2.2. Kazakhstan's oil production in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Table 5.3.1. Kazakhstan's oil exports in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 5.4.1. Kazakhstan's production of oil products in 2005 (thousands of tons)
Table 5.5.1. Kazakhstan's gas production in 2005 by company (thousands of cubic meters)
Table 5.6.1. KazMuniaGaz oil production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of tons)
Table 5.6.2. KazMunaiGaz gas production in 2005 by subsidiary (thousands of cubic meters)
Table 6.2.1. Turkmenistan's oil industry drilling and well stock in 1999-2005
Table 6.2.2. Turkmenistan's oil production in 2005 by company (thousands of tons)
Table 6.4.1. Turkmenistan's oil products exports in 1995-2005 by type (millions of tons)
Map 2.1.1. Russia's oil and gas regions
Map 2.5.1. Key oil pipelines in Russia and CIS
Map 2.7.1. Key gas pipelines in Russia and CIS
Map 2.10.1. Russian refineries
Map 3.1.1. Bashneft activity zones
Map 3.2.1. LUKOIL activity zones
Map 3.3.1. Rosneft activity zones
Map 3.4.1. Russneft activity zones
Map 3.6.1. Sibneft activity zones
Map 3.6.1. Slavneft activity zones
Map 3.7.1. Surgutneftegaz activity zones
Map 3.8.1. Tatneft activity zones
Map 3.7.1. TNK-BP activity zones
Map 3.10.1. YUKOS activity zones
Map 3.11.1. Gazprom activity zones
Map 4.1.1. Azerbaijan's oil and gas industry
Map 5.1.1. Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry
Map 5.6.1. KazMunaiGaz activity zones
Map 6.1.1. Turkmenistan's oil and gas fields
Map 6.1.2. Turkmenistan's oil and gas pipelines

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